subject: Austin's Wireless Dreams Have Been Realized with 4G Coverage [print this page] Sometimes the things that we dream of actually do come true, and not just in Disney movies! For example, the good people of Austin, Texas, have recently had their dreams of a next generation wireless internet network fulfilled thanks to the deployment, over the last year, of a fourth generation network across the entire city. The droves of mobile communications users in the city of Austin, many of whom are actually not yet aware of the superior mobile service that they could be enjoying at this very instant, have finally got the very best in wireless at their fingertips. Of course, there is always a good deal of confusion and mystery surrounding such new technologies and the average mobile user needs a little help separating the fact from fiction and identifying exactly what the real benefits will be for them, spelled out in a manner that they can understand. To help jumpstart that process, here we would like to discuss some of the key aspects of the 4G wireless network that has recently been draped over the Austin metropolitan area as well as the mobile devices that can be used on said network: First and foremost, let it be clear that we are talking about a network that stretches across the entire Austin metropolitan area! This isn't just some WiFi hotspot that you'll be able to use within the radius of a few blocks in the heart of downtown; to the contrary, this is a truly vast network with a coverage area that you quite simply won't be able to wrap your head around, at least not at first! You'll be delighted to see that even though you travel from one corner of the city to the opposite, your network connection will remain nice and strong and therefore you'll be able to do all the work (or play) you want/need to! Also, it is important to understand that you will likely have to get a new mobile device to be able to use the 4G network in Austin. This is principally because the mobile standards aren't the same and therefore a 3G-activated phone simply won't do the trick. At the same time, this also has to do with the fact that a smart phone being used for a previous generation network isn't going to have all the incredible apps that you'll be able to use over a 4G network, which drives home the fact that this is a major, major upgrade. Finally, thanks to the data transfer speeds that may fluctuate a bit depending on network traffic but which will always be lightning quick (i.e. easily above 5 or 6 Mbps even during peak network traffic hours), you'll be downloading huge files to your handheld in just a few seconds and will be able to open all kinds of heavy, multimedia files or websites without any problemsa far cry from the experience that users get over previous generation networks, which is yet another reason for the superiority of 4G in today's wireless world!
Austin's Wireless Dreams Have Been Realized with 4G Coverage
By: Oswald Melman
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