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subject: Is it time to stop filling your Landlord's Wallet? by:Josh Dorkin [print this page]

Is it time to stop filling your Landlord's Wallet? by:Josh Dorkin

Is it time to stop filling your Landlord's Wallet?

As a renter, you are subject to the whims of your landlord. They work at their own pace, and improve their property as they see fit. You have no control over the property that you reside in. Do your floors need to be resurfaced or your carpets replaced? Sit around and wait for your landlord to do it. Do your walls need to be repainted? Ask the landlord.

It sometimes feels like you're living at home with mom and dad again, doesn't it?

So, its just easier to keep paying rent, right? Don't forget . . . the landlord can raise rent on you over time.
Is it time to stop filling your Landlord's Wallet? by:Josh Dorkin

You can afford your own home!

Unfortunately, most people fear that qualifying for a loan will never happen. This is not true. Competition between lenders has increased drastically, causing them to come up with more and more products. There is likely a product out there to help you afford your own home! You just have to do some work and find the right information.

While owning your own home may take some work, it is certainly worth it

You can deduct the cost of your mortgage interest from your taxes

Closing costs involved with the purchase of your home, and property taxes are often deductible

Historically, real estate prices have been cyclical, but over the long term, prices have generally risen.

Think about it . . . if you pay $600 a month, your landlord ends the year with $7,200 of income from you alone. After five years, that's $36,000 that you've paid out (odds are your rent would have gone up over that period, so the amount you've paid out is likely much higher.) From this money, your landlord is not only getting income, but also getting tax deductions, business write-offs, and capital appreciation. You're busy making him rich! Don't get me wrong, you did have a place to sleep at night . . .

Okay, so I definitely have an opinion here. Do whatever you can to get out there and find a home to buy! You and your wallet will thank me.

Remember: Make sure you do not stretch yourself too thin with your payments. Buy only what you can afford. Be sure to consult with an attorney or accountant to protect yourself.

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About the author

An avid real estate investor, Josh Dorkin is the creator of Real Estate Investing -
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