subject: Hectic fever and Unani Treatment [print this page] Hectic fever is remittent, dependent upon local irritation, and rarely, if ever, idiopathic. It is attended by great and increasing debility, a weak, quick pulse, hurried respiration on any exertion, and increased heat of the skin. The febrile exacerbations are preceded by a slight chill, are slight at first, but soon become more evident, especially in the evening. The skin is at first dry, and the increased heat is more evident in the hands and face. The fever terminates in a free, profuse perspiration. The bowels are at first costive, but soon become relaxed, and an exhausting diarrhoea comes on; the urine is various, generally it is pale, and does not deposit; while there is generally a pallor of the surface, the cheeks present what is aptly termed the "hectic blush." As the disease advances, the whole frame becomes emaciated, the eyes sink in their orbits, but are brilliant and expressive; the ankles and legs sometimes swell, and the sleep is feverish and disturbed. Finally the debility becomes so great that the patient expires while making some slight exertion. Hectic fever accompanies nearly all forms of disease connected with great debility, especially scrofula and consumption. It may also be met with in surgical practice in disease or injury of the joints. Persons of tenderconstitutions, and those who indulge in violentpassions, especially grief, are chiefly liable to the attacks of heftic fevers. - Besides, luxurious living, abuse ofwine, thedrinkingof impurewater, the excessive use ofperfumes, aswell as the suppression of natural discharges, and an injudicious treatment of catarrhal, putrid, inflammatory and intermittent fevers, are among the numerous causes of this disorder.Some of the causes of Hectic Fever are Over-dressing, Recent Exercise, Hot weather, Warm foods, Recent Immunization, DTP Vaccine within 24 hours, MMR Vaccine within 7 to 10 days. Symptoms are Chronic intermittents with evening chill; chill begins in feet, Evening fever with chilliness.
Unani Treatment:
1. Qurs Kafoor with Arq Sheer 50 ml and Sharbat Neelofar 20 ml thrice a day.
2. Qurs tabasheer Kafoori with Sharbat Neelofar 30 ml twice a day.
3. Qurs Tabasheer lolvi with Arq Sheer Kafoori 50 ml twice a day.
4. Decoction of Afsanteen, Chiraita, Gilo, Karanjwa each 6 gm twice a day.
5. Sharbat Aijaz 20 ml twice a day.
6. Jawarish Shahi 10 gm at bed time.
Hectic fever and Unani Treatment
By: Dr Izharul Hasan
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