subject: Easy Steps In Saving Money [print this page] Many people find it hard to save money due to the fact that there are lots of expenses and bill that you need to pay. There is also steady increase of commodities and services making our money less in value. It is like a money is draining in our bank account or wallet so easily.
Having a job with a regular income is very important if you want to save money. Even though you have a low salary, you can still save a little portion of you money maybe 3-5% of it. If you don't have job, you can't really save so must find one. You can below some of the proven ways to save money effectively.
1. Live below your means
Teaching yourself and your family to live below your means is one good way to save money. You must not spend money above your monthly salary. Make it sure your lifestyle will truly show your current earnings. Do not buy what you can't afford. You should learn how to control yourself when buying things specially those which are expensive.
2. Pay yourself first
This second tip is very effective way to save money. You need to set aside at least 10% of your monthly salary and you should faithfully put it in other savings account so that you will not be tempted to spend it. Try this one and you will be surprised that you are able to save money even if you have many expenses. Remember: pay yourself first at least 10% of your salary every time you received it.
3. Control your expenses
One sure way to save money is by controlling expenses. Another one is to increase your capacity to earn. So if you focus on controlling expenses, you can do this by setting a limit to your monthly expenses, cut your spending on unnecessary purchases and by monitoring your spending habit. It will surely give you the boost on how to save money.
There are many ways on how to save money. When you search in the Internet, you have lots of information that can get about saving. In this article, there are three ways I listed on how to save. First, you must pay yourself first. Second, live below your means. Finally, control your expenses by making a budget. In conclusion, saving is not hard to do, you only need proper learning and self-control to do it. After that, saving will be easy as the time goes by.
by: Gily Tenorio
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