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Blogs have been around for numerous years, but you might still be asking yourself what's the purpose of having a blog if you already have a web site? You will find a number of reasons on why blogging would benefit you personally and as a business.

If you would like more web traffic driven to your website, then start using a weblog. Blogs produce more traffic and can construct leads for marketing campaigns by adding subscription boxes and links within the content of your blog. Blogs are just another outlet for people to find you and your company.

If you would like to become the expert in your field, then a weblog can set you apart from the pack. You can write about what you realize about and your niche and construct a reputation for yourself and business. It's a way to share information you realize about the industry you're in and start building followers who listen for your advice and opinions.

Once you get your weblog set up and starting to get filled up with content material, then you'll want to submit your weblog and its entries to feed websites, weblog directories and social bookmarking sites to promote your blog. If individuals like your blog, they typically link you from their own blog which creates much more authority for you on the net.

It is pretty easy to setup a new weblog on your web site and begin adding posts to it. Or should you prefer, you are able to find a free weblog hosting site for example WordPress which has several totally free WP themes you are able to select from to make your blog design particular to what you're all about.

Either way, just having a blog up on the net will create more awareness about your business and drive much more traffic for your web site. Blogs are a method to communicate with the public and potential consumers, so if they like your weblog, they'll be much more willing to try out your product or service.

by: Sam Marsen

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