subject: Why Is Loan Protection Essential For A Personal Loan? [print this page] A personal loan can be a useful alternative for consolidation of your debt. Whenever there is a need, you can always take a financial loan for your higher education, car repair or even a holiday! However, all of us know that personal loans are both secured as well as unsecured. Often, the risk associated with secured loans is high since you need to ensure the repayment of loan by providing a collateral security to the lender. In case you fail to repay the loan, the lender would legally repossess your vehicle, property or any other asset that is kept as collateral to the loan.
A personal loan is a valuable financial option and offers a plethora of opportunities to individuals who intend to improve their overall financial condition. Therefore, you need to develop money management skills. However, as individuals, we do not have control over certain unexpected incidents such as an accident, death, illness or any other incident.
A personal loan is an efficient financial tool. However, one must know how to use it properly. Therefore, personal loan protection helps you continue with repayments despite unforeseen events like unemployment, medical issues or death. Moreover, the insurance is particularly important for people who need to repay a secured personal loan.
Payment protection insurance can be easily purchased through a lender, or can affordably be purchased through an insurance broker. While looking for a personal loan, it is important to educate yourself and inquire about a useful personal loan protection plan. The majority of lenders are readily available and eager to discuss such an option with you, but you should always consult with an insurance broker to ensure that you are not paying too much.
Whenever you apply for a personal loan, you would probably be encouraged to take out ant insurance policy for covering your repayments in case you are unable to work due to redundancy or illness. Payment Protection Insurance is useful in mitigating the financial consequences of a sudden change in circumstances. The common exclusions for Payment protection insurance policies include conditions like continued unemployment (at least for a period of 12 months) or being self-employed, or if you already have full pay sick cover from your employer. This means that if you are already covered through your employer or through another insurance policy, you will not be able to collect under the payment protection insurance. In addition, many policies also exclude complaints like pre-existing medical conditions, stress or backache which are not classified as bona fide illness by insurers. So always make sure that you can actually claim under the policy if you need to.
by: Corwin Smith
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