subject: Strategies To Lower Your Home Insurance Quote [print this page] Buyers who are looking to purchase a home need homeowners insurancee. As a way of convenience the internet has made getting a home insurance quote easy. There are so many variables that come with calculating your home insurance premium, such as your credit score, the amount of your deductible, combining your auto and home policy, home security and the amount of rebuilding costs are contributing factors that affect your premium amount. Below are five basic factors that will affect your home insurance quote home insurance quote.
Credit Score: More and more insurance companies are using credit scoring to evaluate the premium on homeowners insurance. To understand credit, review this guide.
Increasing the Deductible: A deductible is the amount of money you pay on a loss before your insurance company pays the claim. The higher deductible, the more money you can save on the premium. Currently insurance companies recommend a minimum deductible of $500. For a reduction in your premium, ask your agent how much it would save you if you decided to increase your deductible to $1000.
Multi-Policy Discount: Almost all insurance agencies will give you a discount for combining both your auto and homeowners insurance. So in an effort to lower your premiums, consider purchasing auto and homeowners insurance from the same company.
Home Security and Burglar Alarms: Many insurance companies will give discounts for smoke detectors, burglar alarms and dead-bolt locks. If you have a sprinkler system installed in your home this will also help lower your home insurance premium.
Rebuilding Costs: For the most part many times people think they need to insure their house for the amount they purchased it for. This is not the case. If your house were to completely burn down from a fire, you would still have the land. Your agent will be able to help you calculate replacement cost of the house. offers a local home insurance agent directory sorted by state and zip code. In addition they have a Learn the Basics section for the sites visitors. Talking to an agent when obtaining a homeowners insurance quote is always suggested. We recommend a review of your coverages be handled by a home insurance professional by visiting
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