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subject: Quarterly Review System [print this page]

In addition to the 20 year plan, this 90 day system lends support, focus, and guidance.

It all starts with a few basic questions:

1. What are your objectives for the next 90 days?

2. What are your plans, your priorities, your hopes ?

3. How do you intend to go about achieving them?

Every three months, sit down with someone (mentor / superior / boss) or (managees / employees / colleagues) to review the accomplishments and chart goals over the next three months. This quarterly review system makes people accountable to themselves, too.

Like a spot check inventory or daily inventory of assessing your assets and liabilities, strengths and weaknesses, rights and wrongs, things you did correctly and mistakes, this ninety day quarterly review system can help steer you toward a purposeful, meaningful course and destination.

This quarterly review system forces people to pause and look at what they have accomplished and what they expect to accomplish next. The system also stimulates fresh new ideas for problem-solving.

Most importantly, it forces a dialogue between a boss and employee, a mentor and hero, a teacher and student, a manager and managee. The goal is to become more of an advisor and and senior colleague and less of an authority figure.

"How do you intend to do that?"

"This plan makes good sense but there are priorities here that I don't agree with. Let's talk it over."

"Listen, I think you're shooting too high, but if you think you can do all of that in ninety days, why not give it a shot?"

Many thanks to Lee Iacoca...

Quarterly Review System

By: Troy Coulon

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