subject: Three Reasons Not To Be Angry About Our Financial Troubles [print this page] There are so many challenges that we encounter during each week. Some are personal. Others involve our family. And there always seem to be hurdles at work. Sometimes we see them coming, while others hit us unexpectedly.As we wallow in self pity in the middle of these obstacles, we often find ourselves asking God why this is happening to us. Genesis 4:3-5 gives us some insight into the answer to this question. We will look at 3 questions that we should ask ourselves in the midst of our troubles.What are you giving to God?It's funny how we tend to get upset with God for giving us a bunch of mess to deal with when that's exactly what we give Him. Let's ask ourselves:Are we praying as often as we should? ("Pray continually." 1 Thessalonians 5:17 NIV)Are we seeking His counsel daily? ("Give us each day our daily bread." Luke 11:3 NIV)Do we only seek Him when we need help, or are we praising Him and thanking Him in the good times? ("I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips." Psalm 34:1 NIV)Are we being obedient? ("If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" Genesis 4:7 NIV)When we look at our resources - our time, talent, and treasure - what portion does God get? In looking at Genesis 4:3-5, we see that Cain brought some of his fruits as an offering. Abel brought fat portions as his offering. Are we really giving God the best that we've got?When do you give to God?We can also refer to Cain and Abel in looking at our timeliness with giving to God. Back in Genesis 4:3-5, we see that Cain brought his offering in the course of time. To me, this sounds like Cain got to God when it was convenient.Although the Bible doesn't give us much detail, we can just think about Cain's gift in terms of how we might take care of some things in our lives. We all have those projects that we just really don't want to do.So, we might do a little bit now, and then put it off for awhile. We only pick it back up because someone mentions it or because we feel guilty that it is still unfinished. But we're just not all that excited about working on it or getting it done. These are the projects that we work on when all the good, fun stuff is finished.Abel's fat portions were from the firstborn of his flock. For Abel, God was not an afterthought. Abel was blessed by God, and he made sure to give back to God right away.Is God at the front of our minds? Is He our first thought when we realize that our eyes have opened and that we've been given another day? When opportunities arise to help others, do we offer to help, or do we make people wait until it is convenient for us? When we are blessed financially, are we tithing off of the top? Matthew 6:33 tells us to "seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness." (NIV)How can the clay get upset with the potter?Many studies reference the concept of the potter and the clay in terms of our relationship with God. It is very appropriate here, as well. Isaiah 29:16 says, "Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, 'He did not make me'? Can the pot say of the potter, 'He knows nothing'?" (NIV)Let's remember our place. We are God's creation. We were designed by God to bring Him glory. The things of this world that we enjoy are gifts from God. They are gifts, not obligations. God owes us nothing. Why would we question our creator when things are less pleasurable than we are comfortable with?In fact, Jesus warned us that we would have trouble in this world. John 16:33 says, "In this world you will have trouble." (NIV) We will face these hurdles at home, in our relationships, on our jobs. But Jesus didn't stop there. John 16:33 continues, "But take heart! I have overcome the world." (NIV)Hallelujah! With this in mind, let's all approach life differently than we have in the past.
Three Reasons Not To Be Angry About Our Financial Troubles
By: Ozeme J Bonnette
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