subject: Commercial Fleet Insurance-strategic Fleet Management Tips For Sourcing The Best Option [print this page] Fleet managers need to worry about cost in all aspects of managing a fleet. This is certainly true in terms of closely supervising the usage of fuel and state and maintenance of tyres, but it is also true in worst-case scenarios.
By worst-case scenarios, we are talking about incidents in which there are accidents, breakdowns, laws broken by fleet users, and times when users are not operating within compliance. While many of these problems are not 100% preventable, it should be understood that there are ways to prevent or at least reduce the number of occurrences and the cost of the occurrences to your organization. Your first step will be to learn the basics of commercial fleet insurance.
If you want to save money when it comes to commercial fleet insurance, you must be sure to have trained, professional drivers. This step begins by making sure that you are not hiring users with poor driving records. This can be the sign of a pattern. Many fleet managers will actually insist that their users take specially designed drivers' courses before they start on the road. This is a great idea and will prevent many accidents. If you want to reduce the number of incidents among your fleet users, you must train them to behave a certain way while operating your vehicles.
When the worst does happen, you can be prepared to save money on commercial fleet insurance. This process begins by keeping excellent records. Accurate and precise records will only help your case when there is an incident. You will want to record all accidents and violations. You will also want to report all accidents to your insurer immediately. In the case of insurance, waiting too long to report an incident can lead to extra costs. Punctuality will save you money.
When it comes to commercial fleet insurance strategies, it is important that management communicate closely with the insurer. When you look at charts that show the cost of vehicle repair without an insurance coverage versus repair with insurance coverage, you will see that there is a significant difference. If managers neglect to report accidents, or if they delay the reporting of the accident, cost will build and too much money will be lost.
The key to strategic fleet management when it comes to insurance is to train drivers to be responsible while keeping accurate records and reporting all accidents immediately. In today's economy, a manager cannot afford to lose money due to faulty record keeping.
by: Jackie De Burca
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