subject: What Will Happen When You've Got Mesothelioma Cancer [print this page] Mesothelioma is a cancer of the mesothelial layers covering a number of organs in the body, such as the heart, abdomen and lungs. This cancer is very rare and takes place in the protective lining underlying particular organs.
The mesothelioma is further divided into four other types of cancer related to the mesothelial lining. These include the pleural mesothelioma in the lungs, pericardial in the heart, peritoneal in the abdomen and testicular in the testicles.
One common cause of why mesothelioma takes place is the fact that asbestos particles may lead to its onset. People who have contact with asbestos particles or dust fiber have an increased likelihood of gaining mesothelioma than the rest. If you're working in an environment such as the airport or machine shops, then there is a possibility that you might contract this disease. Carpenters are also heavily exposed to this type of illness.
Its diagnosis can be difficult most of the time as its symptoms is mixed up with that of other common illnesses, like viral pneumonia. Another reason why it becomes tricky to identify its symptoms is that these appear over a long period of time, taking many years to show up completely.
Firstly, the symptom of breathlessness is always evident; as such, people may face a lot of difficulty in breathing properly. This is due to the presence of liquid in between the chest wall and the lungs. In addition, the person may go through severe pain.
Someone afflicted by this condition may feel other general symptoms. These include an obvious weight loss in the person who is suffering from it, problems related to bowel movements, high fever, fatigue, and clotting of blood. The face and neck may also swell up causing difficulty in swallowing food.
The person may also cough a lot, with a continuous wheezing and hoarseness in the voice, while also coughing up blood. Other symptoms that are less common include night sweats which are quite troubling, causing one to wake up at night totally drenched in sweat. Moreover, the person may experience nausea and a severe condition of feet swelling up, leading to difficulty in walking. Thus, knowing all these signs and symptoms will surely help properly diagnose the condition.
by: Fran Chan.
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