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subject: Voip And The Many Advantages It May Have On Your Business [print this page]

Voip And The Many Advantages It May Have On Your Business

In order to understand the advantages of VoIP, it's important to know what it is. A quick look is sufficient without going into too much detail. The first thing to understand is that VoIP is a way to transfer your voice over the Internet. Something like Google video chat for example is a form of VoIP. Most people access the Internet through a computer, and so as of now when private individuals use VoIP services, they almost always do it sitting in front of a PC.

However, it's possible for the VoIP service provider to route Internet traffic over a gateway that connects to the regular PSTN systems too. This acts as a bridge between the two networks and allows you to call regular phones from your computer. Of course, if the other person is also using VoIP then we can skip the gateway altogether and talk entirely over the Internet.

Using VoIP in your business

Now of course you can't be sitting in front of your computer whenever you want to make a call. So your VoIP provider can transform every phone in your businesses into a VoIP phone that connects to the Internet instead of the PSTN system. This is called an ATA adapter and is a small device that seamlessly re routes your call. This means you no longer have to rely on your regular phone jack at all, and consequently it implies that you have no bills to pay!

Internet connections are usually a fixed monthly cost - you can transfer as much data as possible for a standard fee. So VoIP is almost free and the only charges you need to pay are the management costs which we'll look at in another article.

Main Benefits of VoIP

Apart from the drastic reduction in cost, VoIP comes with other benefits as a consequence of its integration with the Internet. It's highly scalable for one and can work off any kind of Internet connection - including Wifi. In addition, it's flexibility allows you to implement complicated business rules that would be almost impossible with PSTN lines. For example, calls at certain times of the day or on holidays can be rerouted to another place depending on the situation, and reprogramming it is easy with a graphical frontend.

Cost, Flexibility and Scalability. These three pillars of VoIP make it special and unlike any other communications system you 've ever seen.

by: Andrew Wiggin

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