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There are 2 ways to learn the amazing power and value that coupons have - One is the nice way, and one is the hard way. It's as simple as that. If you are looking for coupons (and reading this first paragraph usually means you are) then just reading on will guarantee that you will save.

The hard way is usually finding out that there is a discount coupon for something you just paid for. It doesn't sound too bad, only that sometimes the savings from clipping just one coupon could be $10 and maybe even more.

So, how can you get your hands on lots of valuable money savings coupons?

1. Know your brands and future plans - The same way you plan a budget or what to do on your next vacation, you need to think of which products you buy and which activities you do. For example, if you are planning a dinner party and want to save on snacks, you can decide which brands you might want to buy or which items.

2. Search tactic number 1 - For every brand, product or task, you need to conduct a search. That sounds like a lot of work, but it is something you will only need to do once (most of us keep buying the same stuff over and over again). Search coupon sites for the specific brand, as well as the specific item name (For example: both "chips" and "Frito Lay" increase your chances to save).

3. Search tactic number 2 - If you are not happy with what you found, you can go to the official company website (even the smallest companies now have their own site), and use their search to find additional coupons.

4. Introduce yourself to new brands If you are not happy with your results, start searching for coupons in freebies and coupons sites: these will usually offer lots of coupons for little known brands that are trying to get consumers to know their products. This means bigger savings and free products, which are also a great way to save.

Be sure the check for the expiration date and any additional terms for every coupon that you clip, so you can maximize your savings.

Save money with free coupons

By: Roberta Hill

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