subject: The Worldwide Guide to Carnivals, Festivals and Cultural Events for Independent Traveller by:Yaacov Porat [print this page] Many travelers plan their independent itinerary abroad based on time and budget constraints, while aiming at reaching the best and most attractive touristic attractions of the city/country they wish to visit.
Most of the independent travelers abroad, having carefully and accurately planned their itinerary, encounter more than once the frustrating experience of arriving at a planned place and finding out that a three day international festival had ended a day before their arrival. The colorful stage and props in front of the city cathedral and all the decorations are being taken away and the town is in a gloomy after-party atmosphere.
They often say: "Had we known ahead of time of the festival, we would have rescheduled and change plans to make it on time and not miss such an opportunity."
It is noteworthy that the "surprising" occurrence of such events may contribute enormously to the contents and value of any trip. Obviously, such "surprising and unplanned events may also spoil the fun of any trip.
Some travelers may want to leave town immediately to avoid a distasteful event, especially when an event like this may cause shortage of hotel rooms or unexpected price risings.
There are also cases when travelers are surprised to find out that the festival/national carnival/parade in memory of the city benefactors has paralyzed the city: banks and shops are closed and traffic or parking problems are unbearable. All this can be avoided by having in advance information of the various events on the planned itinerary.
Prior information is essential!
Today, many travelers who plan their own trip abroad choose the site of "CarniFest Online - What's on Worldwide" (, click the name of the country they wish to visit and their time schedules and they are presented immediately with a variety of events, their updated and relevant schedules which fit the data of their search.
The combination of prior information of the festivals, carnivals and cultural events along with the itinerary and their exact time schedules is undoubtedly an essential component of planning an independent trip abroad. Proper planning assisted by the comprehensive information to be found at "Carnifest Online - What's on Worldwide" will guarantee a beautiful, interesting and enjoyable trip.
About the author
Yaacov Porat is a reviewer of cultures, rituals, holidays and religious customs of people and nations. The websites Carnifest Online in English and Festivals and Carnivals Worldwide in Hebrew bring great variety of carnivals, festivals, culture and folklore events side by side with tourist's attractions over the world.
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