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subject: Stock Exchange Investing To Acquire Income [print this page]

It seems that some people are on a never ending journey to earn for their living. Many spend their lifetime going to school, getting education and a job. Also there are lots of other people who go on studying year after year, take tests and spend thousands of dollars to gain credentials to get jobs or start the freelance career which they may or may not enjoy. They all are doing this for seemingly on thing: money!

There is a great alternative to the job for making your living and that is to venture into the market. When you begin trading in the markets, you are not working harder but smarter and your money works for itself.

You need to be above eighteen to start in the markets and must have some money. You can earn as per your work in the markets and there is no upper limit of the earning. One of our most successful investor in the stock markets is Warren Buffet, who has raked in billions of dollars as profits.

However if you work in the corporate sector, you would be lucky to even break 1 million dollars in your entire lifetime. In the stock market you may not have benefits of a job but you have immense opportunity of the growth. Your promotion in job is dependent on the management but not so in the stock market where you are the boss.

A most common reason for many people not entering the stock markets is the paucity of funds. There is a solution; you can start your career in the stock markets with the penny stocks. These are very low priced and wildly fluctuate in price. One day a penny stock would be of 20 cents and next day it could reach a price of five dollars. Here you can earn some good money in the shortest time.

However, I would like to warn you that these penny stocks could become totally useless as quickly as they become stars. So caution is the buzzword which you must follow while dabbling in the penny stocks in particular and stock market in general; but it is even more risky to get success in the corporate career!

by: Michael C. Miller

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