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subject: How Can I Build my Business Working Full Time? [print this page]

How Can I Build my Business Working Full Time?

Many people who venture into the life of becoming a work from home business owner often times do so working a full-time outside of the home job. This can stir up mixed emotions among individuals who may think they can't actually attain true success in a home business while working. That's not so and there are many great leaders out there today o have worked their business while working a full-time job. A question that I'm often asked and wanted to address today is

"How can I build a successful business while also working a full-time job from home? I'm soexhausted when Iget home and have to clean, cook dinner and get the kids ready for bed."

You will be able to have success with little time to put into your business. While it is recommended that a person have at least 15 to 20 hours a week to put into their business it can be done with much less time. It boils down to several factors in your life and in your business. You can have a stay at home wife without any kids who will simply say there is not enough time to work her business. On the other hand you can have a mother who works outside of her home full-time and has 6 kids who FINDS the time to build her business.

Today I wanted to share some points with you on how you CAN have success in your business even though you are working outside of your home full-time. I want you to think about this and you'll need to think really hard and put some time into this. You'll want to get some paper and a pen so you write down your notes because this is what will allow you to attain success or not.

How Bad Do You Want It? You need to claim it as you already own success. If you don't want it bad enough then you simply aren't going to do the needed work to become successful. Think extremely hard on WHY you need to be successful. What are things you wish to accomplish? What would success in your home business bring you? Would it allow you to be home with your kids? Would you be able to fire your boss? Would you be able to take the vacations you've always wanted? Would you be able to buy that boat you've had your eye on? Dig for it deep down and find out exactly how bad you want it and keep it there in front of you ALWAYS! Write it out on a post it and stick it on your computer monitor! Look at it daily.

Stop Making Excuses. We all make them but if you want success you have to put a STOP to them today! Everything that is preventing you from working your business is an excuse. "I can't work today because I had a 1.5 hour commute home, I had to make dinner, clean up the house, get the kids in the bath and then to bed. There just wasn't any time to work." EXCUSE! I know that sounds harsh but honestly its an excuse and you need to stop making them. You have a commute Right there isPRIME working time! You have a cell phone, headset and TIME while you are driving! Use that time wisely and talk with people. How do you spend your lunch breaks? Reading a magazine, sitting around bored simply waiting to get back to work? That isPRIME working time and you need to use it wisely and work your business. I know for a fact it can be done because one of my close friends worked full-time and worked her business during commute time and lunches. She got her income to 25k a year and was able toFIRE her boss and come home to her kids. She's now earning over 50k a year. You have toWANT it and you have to stop making excuses!

How Much Time Do You Have? As you are working outside the house full-time you will need to find out exactly how much time you'll have to spend in your business aside from lunches and commutes. What are your days off and will you be dedicating some of that off time to your business. You will need to dedicate just some of your off time to your business. you need to remember you are building this for you and your family. You are building to create a better future.

What are You Willing To Give Up? In order to build our business there are things we must learn to give up. Take the T.V. for example. Think about how much you watch and WHEN you watch it! If you are watching T.V. when you could be talking with people then the only thing you are doing is holding yourself back. Think of the T.V. as nothing but an "Income Reducer." Start to record the shows you like and watch them when you are not working or spending time with your family. I've been so busy working that I've got 8 weeks worth of some of my favorite shows waiting on my DVR and the Season Finale's are NEXT WEEK! If you don't know how you are going to come up with your next months business fee then what are you willing to give up to keep your business? Do you eat Pizza often? Do you drink Starbucks? Give that stuff up so you can build for your future. There will be time later for all that stuff.

Hold Steady. Know that your success is not going to give instant gratification. Understand that your success will take some time and it may take you a year before you see some real good success coming in. Don't ever give up and don't ever quit. If you do you'll never know if you were just 2 steps from success. Be consistent in your working your business. Be sure you are consistently getting your information out there for people to find you. Be sure that you dedicating the time that is needed to build a successful business. If you hold steady and you keep consistent then nothing will ever stop you from achieving success but you.

Be enthused by what you are doing and have unlimited amounts of faith you will be successful. Claim your success as yours and don't ever let anything hold you back. Stop making excuses of why you couldn't work today and focus on your future and what your hard work will bring you and your family in the next year.

If you are currently working full-time outside of the house I'd love for you to share some tips that have helped you out along your journey. This is a topic that many people will benefit from and if something has worked for you please share it.

Susan Goodknight

How Can I Build my Business Working Full Time?

By: Susan Goodknight

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