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subject: Voluntary Business Blindness Is Just Dumb! [print this page]

Voluntary Business Blindness Is Just Dumb!

With Business Freedom, it becomes your choice whether you work in your business or not, and how much you work in it. It is also your choice what you do with your business whether you keep it, close it, expand it, reduce it or sell it.

In simple terms, in order for you to have more business freedom, your business needs to be




Able to operated without you

It may or may not surprise you to learn that many if not most businesses do not meet ALL of these criteria.

Why not?

Well, its not necessarily because they are bad businesses. And its not usually because the owners of the businesses are bad business people.

From my experience, it is because the businesses have not been developed or structured to meet these criteria. But sometimes Business Blindness gets in the way.

Starting, owning and running a business takes passion and commitment and persistence. And courage. Guts.

Often in the middle of the passion, the commitment and the persistence, we business owners become blind to what is actually happening in the business. We become blind to what we need to do to improve, change or re-structure the business to give us what we want. Its Business Blindness!

The business needs to give us more of what we want and less of what we dont want. But in the heat of business battles, when the very survival of the business can be on the line, we sometimes forget what we really wanted when we started the business. We get caught up in the business and often keep going doing stuff that doesnt make a lot of sense in the name of persistence, commitment and passion. That takes courage but its just dumb.

Business Blindness is Dumb.

Blind passion is dumb. Blind commitment is dumb. Blind persistence is dumb. And having the courage to continue to do dumb things is just dumb.

Staying on the business owners treadmill with no business freedom is just dumb too.

But, Business Blindness is voluntary. Its our choice. Or generally, more correctly, its when we abandon our right and responsibility to make uncomfortable choices. Sticking our head in the sand of our own business also leads to blindness

We dont have to be blind in our own business, but we do need to remember to open our eyes. And we do need to make better choices and take responsibility for our choices.

Its time to open our eyes and re-look at our own business. We need to take more time out of working IN the business and start working more cleverly ON the business.

Most business owners dont make enough time to work ON their business. Generally, its not because they dont want to, but because they get so caught up in the doing of their business that they have no time or energy left to figure out what needs to be done to extract themselves from their own business.

But that is just continuing the Business Blindness and continuing life on the treadmill!

One definition of insanity is Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. To get Business Freedom, you dont want to be doing the same things over and over again if they are not working for you. You will need to be doing things differently. And youll probably need to be doing different things.

Its important to realize you can change. Things can change. You can change the things you do.

Some Big Questions for you

Do you want your Business Freedom?

What type of Business Freedom do you want?

To get that type of Business Freedom, what needs to change? and then

How do you do it?

by: Richard Keeves

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