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Is Your Website Helping Your Business?

All IM marketers should realize the importance of their web host in the marketing process. Your profits will be disappointing, if you get any, by merely uploading a simple one or two page site and never building on it. If you're an online marketer, than you know very well that nothing in this business is as straight-forward and simple as it looks. Fortunately, it's really not all that difficult to make your website an effective marketing tool. With just a few simple steps and a few minutes of your time you can greatly improve the impact your website will have on the people who visit it. So let's discuss what you can do right away to meet those objectives.

It's a very good idea to try to maintain fresh content on your site. This will bring more people to your website. And if your content is good, people will naturally want to return to your website. One particular area of concern has to do with static sites, so it's important to keep adding fresh content to them. Doing this will be viewed in a positive light especially by your returning visitors. People will begin to trust you, and then your business will benefit from this trust.

Don't install sound on your website that plays automatically when someone enters. Webmasters use automatically playing sounds or videos because they definitely capture the attention of visitors, but not necessarily in a good way. When a loud voice or soundtrack is the first thing people notice about your site, they may very well leave without bothering to check out your offers at all. Visitors to your site are more likely to listen to sounds or watch a video if they can make the decision to do so. Consider that you could be losing thousands of dollars in sold products if your sound or video is automated and causing people to click away from your site.

It's important to maintain a balance between sales copy text and informational text. You'll want to avoid turning-off people, so do not have an over-abundance of copy devoted to selling. Too much heavy-handed selling will surely make people go away and check out your competitors. A decent standard is 25% sales copy and the rest is informational or entertaining depending on your site. Of course you want to develop a feeling of trust, and you won't do that if you engage in aggressive selling. You want your readers to buy from you after they've read enough on your site, plus your sales copy. If you start to sell too soon, you could alienate your readers.

It doesn't need to be hard to make money online. If your site and marketing are good enough, you can sell to almost anyone - almost. But ultimately, how your website turns-out will depend on your efforts. If it helps get you going just know that the more effort you give to your site, the more money you'll end up with in your pocket. Presenting a great site to your market is common sense, and following the suggestions you learned today will only help you, too!

Is Your Website Helping Your Business?

By: Williams Whitley

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