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Keyword Research - How to Find the Best Keyword Phrase For Your Online Business

It is quite amazing, but most online business owners struggle to list their essential keywords. They own a business online, they know their products and services intimately well and have delivered to maybe hundreds or thousands of clients - yet they don't know their primary and most important keywords.

SEO may have been around since as long as the Internet became mass market - but the ignornace of online business owners means that most keyword phrases (also know as long tail keywords) are still mostly up for grabs. It is generally not that hard to dominate a keyword phrase - simply because most business owners online have ignored the realities of SEO.

That said, the main issues are to find keywords that have;

The highest possible search volumes per month, versus

The lowest number of competing websites

Generally speaking, I am interested in any long tail keyword phrase that has search volumes of better than 500 searches a month, and hopefully 5,000 a month. And I get excited when I find such a keyword phrase that has less than 15,000 competing websites for the term, hopefull less than 2,000 competitors.

Think of these numbers as the goal posts, and when you are doing your research, you want to kick a goal between these levels. A true bonanza is when you find much more than 5,000 monthly searches for a term with much less than 2,000 competing websites. And bonanzas happen all the time- when you look carefully enough.

True, doing the keyword research is not exciting stuff. And it may suit you to outsource the work. Perhaps you want to check out this service SEO Keyword Research at only $5 per suitable SEO keyword phrase.

Keyword Research - How to Find the Best Keyword Phrase For Your Online Business

By: Phil Jarvie

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