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Mockingbird - The State Bird of Texas

On December 29, 1845, Texas became the 28th state to be included in the United States of America. This second largest state in the entire US, uses several state symbols such as state flag, flower, seal, tree, and of course bird - which is the Mockingbird.

Northern Mockingbird or simply called as Mockingbird is a common songbird found across the Northern America region. With the scientific name of "Mimus polyglottos," the mockingbird was selected as the stated bird of Texas during 1927 under the Texas legislature as suggested by the members of the Federation of Women's Clubs.

The Texas legislature mentioned that mockingbird can be found in all regions of the State, in summer and in winter season, in the country and in the city, and even on hills, woods, and prairie. Also, the Texas legislature cited that mockingbird is a singer of a unique type who fights to protect its own, even if the bird has to fall - the characteristics that represent a true Texas. Aside from Texas, the mockingbird is also the state bird of Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi and considered as the favorite backyard bird in the Untied States.

Mockingbird is known to be the most beautiful bird song among all species. Its ability as a songbird and to mimic is superb. Moreover, mockingbird has extraordinary vocal ability and can even sing as many as 200 harmonious songs including those songs produced by other birds, insects and even amphibians. The mockingbirds are observed to be singing their melodious songs all throughout the night, especially during springtime moonlight. Noticeably, mockingbirds who are unmated sing more than their mated counterparts.

Mockingbird - The State Bird of Texas

By: patternvo

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