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How Personal Branding Is Bigger Than Your Business Or Your Product

Have you ever read a quote from someone you liked that played the right music to your heart? You felt the power in their words because it hit you between the eyes.

Not only that, but you also see that people around you also GOT IT. Now it wasn't just the message that got across but the way it was crafted and the words used which pulled that string within your soul and your heart. It made you pay attention.

Wondering if this has anything to do with personal branding, your business and feeling empowered?

It has everything to do with it. Let me explain.

How often have you read about the importance of finding your niche as being crucial to your business online? If you don't stand out of the crowd you just won't get found. There are many steps to finding a niche such as having the product, researching using keywords and advertising to bring your prospects to you.

All of these actions are needed and essential for success but they are all external to who and what you are.

But when you build your brand, it is built around you. It is you. Because you are in the middle and the one being focused on by others, you have to be true to yourself and your DNA.

There are some that ask if they have anything valuable to contribute. You can 20 or you can 80. Each one of us has something valuable to share with others.

Not sure what that could be and don't know where to look for it? Just turn around and ask your friends or your family. Ask them what is really cool about you that they admire. Let them tell you what your strengths and weaknesses are. And from those answers, see how you can contribute more of the best of you and share that online.

To build trust and confidence with your brand will work no matter if you are trying to sell worms or hammers. It's the connection with people that matters.

Whether online or off, branding yourself in all aspects of your business is a crucial step.

But a warning here. Your brand shouldn't be bland. People don't flock to product they flock to other people. It all boils down to the key ingredients of attraction marketing at its best.

So how can you best brand yourself so as not to fall into the sea of like brands out there?

Consider controversy. Yes, you can be nice, but you can also be yourself. if you wish to express an opinion by calling it a "turkey", than call it that and not what you expect others to hear you call it. It's all about being you in every way.

You have to let your light shine and free yourself of what you think others would have you do. Using controversy will brand you as someone with a definite and clear opinion and will do what it has done for corporations world wide: it will polarize your audience into paying attention to you.

Rocking the boat will magnetize your audience and attract those that like your message. Not everyone will come. So what?

Don't be afraid to be bold and be brave. It's time to express yourself. And it's time for you to think about branding yourself the right way the first time. You don't have to be alone during this process

by: Marie Leonard

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