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subject: Turning Your Minutes Into Money [print this page]

If you are a Worker:
If you are a Worker:

1. Register for free at

2. Go to Available Jobs to select a job to complete

3. Complete the job(s) and submit the proof

4. Wait for the employer to review your proof

5. Once reviewed the job is complete and money is sent

6. Withdraw the cash with Paypal

If you are an Employer:

1. Register for free at

2. Recive $5 bonus

2. Use bonus or Deposit funds into your account to pay for jobs

3. Go to Create Jobs, then enter job details

4. Wait for job to be approved and listed

5. Workers will then come and complete your job

6. Approve the workers proof to pay worker

Work from home, set your own hours and get paid out when you want! Choose the jobs you want to do and even receive filtered notifications sent to your phone or email. Simple easy to do jobs using social networks, blogs, forums, sites and videos you use and frequent everyday! Make a nice side income doing what you already do!

If you know how to surf the internet and use a few of the social networking sites, then

you can use Micro Job to make a side income doing what you already know how to do.

If have ever used Twitter, del.i.cious, Facebook, YouTube or any other of these types of

websites, there are small and easy jobs that you can do to put some extra money in your

pocket. Even if you are the most casual user, you will be able to do these types of jobs

within minutes of accepting them.

Turning Your Minutes Into Money

By: Mohitha Rai

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