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subject: Need More Money? Here's How To Attract More Money Into Your Life [print this page]

You may have heard of The SecretYou may have heard of The Secret. If not, you would definitely have heard of the Law of Attraction. Well this article isn't going to explain how it this process works in detail, because I personally believe that the 'Law of Attraction' is actually the power of OUR MIND, not some mystical universal magic. This article will give you a few simple ideas of how you can start retraining your brain to attract more money into your life.

Here's the bad news, if you are in debt, have lost your job or if you have old beliefs about there being a 'lack' of money in your life, it will only make your financial situation worse if you are choosing to focus on these things, however real they seem. You are effectively attracting more debt or more 'lack' to your life, just by focusing on it.

Most of us want to attract more money, because we want the new car or a bigger home, or we want the freedom to be able to travel and fulfill our ambitions - very few of us want more money so that we can stick it in a bank and forget about it. It's the lifestyle we crave. However, our security and peace of mind (knowing that we have enough) is one of our main priorities, even if we don't specify it on our list of goals.

Unfortunately, this worry and anxiety that we have about our 'security' or worrying about having enough only makes things worse when it comes to the Law of Attraction. In fact any negative thoughts are not good, if your aim is to attract positivity to you.

The good news is that once you know this, you can do something about it.

In other words, you can control your thought process to reflect the goals you want to attract to you. Here are a few tips to get you started;

1) Don't focus on the negative! Ok so you are eating into your overdraft this month, that is a very real problem and although it cannot be ignored, worrying or stressing about it will only make it WORSE. Think about the positive things that you could do in your life to attract more money and your overdraft will soon no longer be an issue.

2) Get a vision board with some images of the kind of lifestyle that you want to attract and use it to tap into the passion and emotions behind these goals. This will NOT manifest your goals out of thin air, contrary to what the makers of The Secret would have you believe, but it IS a real motivator to kickstart you into action. Action will be the thing that enables you to achieve your goals.

Seeing a pile of money will not motivate most people because a lot of people have limiting beliefs or think negative thoughts about 'money' as a subject, and after all, money is just the thing that we use to buy the things that we REALLY want.

So think about the things that you really want, rather than just wanting 'money'. Think and feel as though you are already living the lifestyle that you desire; imagine what it would be like living in your dream home, what it would feel like, smell like, sound like - make your visualisations as realistic and vivid as possible. When it comes to the Law of Attraction - it's good to daydream! Many sports professionals use visualizations as part of their training, it's so powerful.

"I train myself mentally with visualization. The morning of a tournament, before I put my feet on the floor, I visualize myself making perfect runs with emphasis on technique, all the way through to what my personal best is in practice...." Camille Duvall.

3) Don't worry about the practicalities

Quite often opportunities come to us that we never expected. Sometimes the actual sum of money will apparently just 'manifest' but we are usually never correct when we imagine where the money will come from or how we will receive it.

Just be open to the possibilities and opportunities around you and believe that the money will come. Let your subconscious do it's work and enable the money flow to you. This is a key part of the law of attraction - letting it in. If you want abundance, don't repel opportunities that come your way. Grasp them with both hands and go with the flow, if an opportunity feels right when it presents itself to you, you were meant to take it.

When you stop the negative focus on money and start to be more open to receiving money (or the opportunities to earn money) you will be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.

Worrying about debt or financial difficulties will only spread more negativity, the worldwide recession which has been sensationalised in the news for over a year now is proof of this. Business owners that live by the law of attraction rules are finding that they are either not affected by the recession OR their business is growing.

Which option will you choose? It is not easy to break a habit, but breaking the habit of negativity is well worth the results, so make it easy on yourself, give yourself a helping hand and focus on the positives.

by: Mel Trudgett

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