subject: Small Business Cash Advance To Expand Your Business [print this page] There are some instances those small businesses run out of cash to fund a current bill, expansion or paying some suppliers. Being not liquid in business is pretty normal but if this happen when there is an unexpected bills to pay or opportunity for investment there are some institutions to go to like traditional loans or government grants. But though these are good sources of funds it may take time to get the funds and often times you will need a lot of papers to accomplish and submit. These loan firms and government institutions may require you to leave collateral for your loan and these are some things you cannot wait since time in business is definitely money. Hence; small business owners make take advantage of the small business cash advance.
Like any other loans, small business cash advance should be well-planned and thought of since this is an interest bearing loan and interest meter is running the very moment you take out the funds. But if you have a solid business plan on where you will use the money then there is no reason why you shouldnt opt for this one.
I have listed below the advantages of Small Business Cash Advance that you can ponder when you avail this for your small business.
1.No hassle of submitting many documents. Unlike traditional loans that will require you to submit financial statements of your business, tax returns and other pertinent documents showing your business status, small business cash advance will just need to verify the number of months you are in the business and your monthly credit card statements and you could simply submit this online.
2.No Charges for Application. Traditional bank loans may require you to pay an upfront fee or application fee and this is not applicable for small business cash advance hence; a good saving from the very start.
3.Faster Results of Application. Small Business cash advance results is a lot faster unlike other loans which needs follow up interviews and submission of other documents and a few more weeks to know if you have qualified.
4.Flexibility of Funding. Government loans and bank loans entails that you discussed thoroughly on where and what you are going to do with the funds unlike small business cash advance that gives you the freedom on where to allot the money without further explaining.
5.Higher Rate of Approval- With the simple requirements of small business cash advance it is very likely to accomplish it and get approved. Not even your poor credit history is taken into account materially.
6.Flexible Payments. Small business cash advance is based on your business revenue hence; you will not be forced to pay hefty monthly premiums during your slow month. It also offers an easy and automatic repayment scheme by simply remitting your monthly credit card receipts.
Running a small business is not for the faint hearted but for those who are willing to face even the hardest turbulence. It is just a matter of thinking and planning well and contemplating on the opportunity costs of business decisions. And like any other loans, small business cash advance should be used wisely to expand your business properly.
by: Bell Albino
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