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subject: The Truth About Particular Outsourced Seo Businesses [print this page]

The Truth About Particular Outsourced Seo Businesses

Receiving a range of requirements from users for search engine optimization and web development projects is a usual thing for a SEO web design business. However these types of requests can sometimes become a sort of unrealistic command when it comes to design a website or a SEO link building project. For example sometimes a client wants you to create a web site that people can register and bid online and download software. Or they ask you to create a social media site like facebook or myspace or even ask you to create a search engine like Google!

If you get a SEO project from an outsourced SEO company, then they ask you to build many back links in certain country and guarantee the submission. These types of customers do not release that many submissions are done manually since these sites are in Norwegian or Swedish or Dutch. Approving links are up to these sites owners and not a link builder. Many quality article directory and social media sites are in English language. If you want to use a SEO software, it supports English. Thus when you start to create back links, you are going to complete it manually if it is a non English website.

Here is the truth about link building in Scandinavia; most of the article directories and link submission websites follow the same web development pattern. Some of them have too small font and everywhere are too many banners and the submit link buttons are either hidden somewhere on the website intestinally or too hard to find. Then if you are lucky enough to find those god damn buttons to submit your clients link after 15 minutes search for a submit button on a Norwegian directory, then the waiting time to get the approval is way too long or almost never?

Many Scandinavian SEO'ers gave up on building links for local searches in Norway, Sweden and Denmark: Because it is hard and useless if you want to do it in Norwegian or Danish or Swedish. The best strategy is combining submission in two languages. There is no other way around unless you do the expensive PPC campaign. The again many clients cannot afford PPC campaigns. So they want the SEO programmer to do the natural link building.

The hard truth is that turning a profit from a link building business is really tricky, especially one that is aiming high. Even wildly successful internet endeavors such as MySpace or eBay took a few years to gain profit. In a lot of cases some outsource SEO companies do not have enough knowledge about how search engines behave and how they work! They just through in your face link buying campaigns which is against Google s regulations. This means if your competitor finds out about it and report it to Google, you are done! Because Google will find out about it and bans your website . These types of SEO outsourcing companies jeopardize their clients website by asking seo programmers to do black hat SEO. Then if the clients site get banned, then they blame it on SEO-ers. So here is my answer to all those SEO companies that outsource their SEO and try to force SEO programmers to do black hat SEO such as buying links, link baiting or doing any other black hat activities that may get a website get banned or slapped by Google. The reality people is that Google , Yahoo, Bing monitor major player businesses and websites more than websites from a no body like me. They are waiting to find some sort of black hat to ban these businesses. I am not saying that Google is sick to do it. All I am saying is that google has implemented sophisticated algorithms that will detect websites that buy links. some of the famous companies suffered from Google slap. Then some snub SEO outsourcing companies come around and ask you to do the same thing all over again.

This leaves us, as the SEO web design company, with an ethical dilemma. Do we implement the black hat leave the client to his own SEO campaign like 'take the money and run'? Or do we tell the SEO client that his brilliant black hat idea is just never going to fly and get their clients website banned!

Unfortunately that means that we will probably go out of business too since about 77% of these outsourced SEO companies do want you to do black hat strategies which are based on some of their crazy SEO business idea. The other SEO consulting firm, coaching the client ( outsourced SEO companies).

The question is - how much is these types of unrealistic SEO worth? This type of consulting takes up a lot of amount of time and working.

If you need link building submit your project to SEO Norway at or . If you wish more experts to work on your projects, you can always outsource SEO on and dedicated SEO-ers will work on your projects.

by: timozwz3hi

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