subject: How You Can Save Money On Utility Bills [print this page] Money Is Tight Money Is Tight
During tough economic times, money is tight for many people. Even though income goes down for the unemployed and under-employed, all of your monthly bills continue to come in and still need to be paid as usual. It's possible to cut some expenditures such as groceries, entertainment, and dining out but much harder to cut others. For example, you may be able to reduce your grocery bills dramatically by eating more inexpensive foods such as beans, rice and potatoes, and you can save significantly more by eliminating dining out altogether.
How To Save Money On Utilities
Unfortunately, some expenses such as rent, mortgage payments, insurance, car payments, and utility bills are often fixed, and cannot be easily reduced. Utilities such as gas and electric are a necessity for any modern home, and are in many cases, an absolute requirement by local municipalities. In many areas, utility rates have actually risen due to the economic conditions. As a result, many people are looking for ways to save money on utility bills. If you are one of them, this article presents three easy tips that can help you save money on your utilities.
1. Turn Down The Thermostat
If you turn down your thermostat by only three (3) degrees in the winter time, it's possible you could save yourself $100 or more on your monthly heating bill. Some people do not like that idea because they think that they will be very cold and uncomfortable. However, if you take $30 of that extra $100 to buy an energy efficient space heater or ceramic heater, you will still be money ahead with the money you will save.
2. Seal Drafty Windows
If you have old and drafty windows, there is a good chance that you are heating the neighborhood in addition to your house. Poorly sealed windows are where most of the heat is able to leave your house. If you can afford the initial outlay, it may be to your advantage to replace old windows with new energy efficient designs. However, if you cannot afford this then you could always use some kind of window covering or weather stripping during the winter months that will reduce the heat loss.
3. Stop The Door Leaks
Besides windows, doors are also notorious for allowing heat to leave your house. There are a number of products that you can slide underneath your door to help reduce the amount of heat that can escape. If you want to do it "on the cheap," you can place a towel or small blanket at the foot of doors. This is especially effective for doors that you do not open very often.
As you can see, it is possible to save money on your utility bills. The key is to take action as soon as you can. Implement these simple ideas, and you will see a difference on your next utility bill.
by: Jesse Whitehead
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