subject: Luther Needs A Dallas Federal Criminal Lawyer [print this page] Yes a Dallas Federal criminal lawyerYes a Dallas Federal criminal lawyer. He's been known to spend a night or two in the poke around home but he went and spread his fame to a whole other state. Again!
I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. Well at least the beginning as I had heard it.
You know old Luther likes to take a chance on them get rich promises you find online. He has been known to spend a day's salary, fourteen dollars and ninety seven cents, on some of those hair brained ideas and schemes.
I kept telling him he was going to find himself in deep trouble with some of the stunts he was paying to learn how to do. That wasn't how it unfolded.
You see old Luther logged in one night about three weeks a go and right there on one of them there emails was his claim to fame. I am not talking a Coke and Pack of peanuts extra a week.
I am talking adding a he mans den to the second story of their single wide. Big screen tv and all.
I am getting to why he needs a Dallas federal criminal lawyer. Just hang on a minute.
Now Luther had spent and lost a day's wages several times online before. Didn't like it but he decided to live with it. This time was different.
It would take a months worth of wages to pay for this little venture. Knowing his wife would have a fit, he sold some yellow root and ginseng, okay a few jugs of corn juice to come up with the extra money.
He sent the money in and low and behold nothing. Never could get a reply to his emails. Nothing.
Didn't take much to figure out that the gentleman resided in Texas. He dipped into his joint banking account. Hired a detective and found the dude's whereabouts.
Hopped in his Yugo and headed 600 miles or better to "explain" things to the boy.
Let's just say when he found him it was not pretty. Whipped the tar out of him. Still at this point he didn't require a Dallas federal criminal lawyer. At this point being key here.
Luther's wife was not happy. Not only had he dipped into the fund she used to pay for her spit tobacco, she realized that was her corn "juice" he had sold to get the money up to begin with.
Not having a camera at the moment, Luther decided he could still offer the proof of that whipping in the form of taking him home to momma.
Did you know the Federal government gets in on the action if you just happen to let someone, tied up, hitch a ride in the trunk from Texas to Georgia?
Luther does. Now.
He tried to get hold of old Ben Mutlick, the area attorney here at home but he finally figured out how to catch ambulances and no longer has the time to take on any new cases he doesn't choose himself.
Really didn't matter anyway as old Ben wasn't qualified.
Cases like this requires a special lawyer. One that is adept in federal law. One that knows all the in and outs of the system.
Did you know they are proud of their death penalty in Texas. It took two pairs of new drawers when Luther found out.
I will keep you updated on old Luther but thankfully it will be a report on a short stay in jail instead of an obituary. All because of a highly skilled Dallas federal criminal lawyer.
by: Joel Hambit
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