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subject: Club Penguin Money Cheats That work [print this page]

Where can one find club penguin money cheats for club penguin that really work. I asked that question when my friends had been getting alot of coins, some of them had more than 100.000 so this could not be possible if they had not cheated. But they would not tell me how they got that much.

So i started searching the internet for some answers about the club penguin cheats, was there a way to get alot of coins that fast, what had they been using to get that much.

It took a while but i found out that they had been using some club penguin money cheats, it seemed like they had. Because i was used to doing small minigames and if i was to make 20 coins for each one than this would have taken ages. I quickly learned about some cp cheats that allowed one to get more coins. It was a small computer program that could be download and used as a tool for getting coins fast.

All you had to do was to download it, and when you was finished installing it to your computer this cheating tool let you select how many coins you wanted and if you for instance wanted 20.000 coins all you had to do was to select that and wait for a small period of time and it would load those coins into your club penguin account.

So i did download it and gave it a try, it was a fast and easy download and install, and after i had it up and running i just loaded club penguin with it and i could try it out. I selected 20.000 coins and watched to see what would happen. After a few minutes after it had done it's job it said that i had gotten the coins. When i clicked my penguin i was amazed that it actually worked and that i now had gotten 20.000 coins. The best thing about this was that i could do it as many times that i wanted and after a few minutes more i had 100.000 Coins!

If you want to learn more about the club penguin money maker, than check out the links below.

Club Penguin Money Cheats That work

By: Henrik Hansen

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