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subject: Why Seo Is Important For Business? [print this page]

Almost a decade ago, initiating business with small budget was considered simply impossible. Gradually Internet expanded its horizon and small entrepreneurs got an opportunity to kick of their business with websites, which used to be their virtual office. Later, number of such websites grew and search engine became a tool to find relevant product/services/information. Search engines like Google and Yahoo were extensively used to research and find the products. The growing use of search engines led to the birth of term search engine optimization, also known as SEO. Optimization is nothing but technique to make your website visible in top search results. Today SEO is a serious business and regarded as an important tool for online marketing and promotion. Small entrepreneurs made lot of bucks by staying in top search engine rankings. Now we see the well known brands also investing a major chunk of money on SEO. This shows how optimization has become important for any sized business.

Over the years, search engines have become really smarter. They are user-friendly and understand the users psych very well. They now can trace the relevant websites and information. Accuracy has significantly grown. However, smartness of search engines have only made things complicated for optimizers, who have to constantly come up with innovative ideas. Innovation is good for optimization and overall business. But SEOs have to take care that they dont overdo anything. Say, a website is stuffed with keywords without any meaning or soul, search engines will easily trace it and blacklist. Ethical SEO is very important for a business to secure its reputation. Lets understand this with another example. When you search Norton in google, the homepage of will appear in the list of top ten. But some may try to use the fame of Norton for their own growth by booking urls like The slight difference in spelling may help your website grow in ranks. But it is considered wrong and unethical. And aat the end of the day, it will give wrong and bad impression of your business.

Blogs, social media optimization, social bookmarking, link building and so on are new age optimization techniques. Businesses need to focus on SEO that provides them extensive promotion at relevant platforms. Right platforms will help your website drive right and qualitative volume of traffic. Here, traffic means flow of potential customers. Another advantage of search engine optimization is that your business achieves global exposure. It means with least investment, you can make huge profits. Least investment literally is lesser than what it could have cost you to promote your product in different countries. SEO takes your products to the markets where you could have never afforded to visit and open a corporate office.

The importance of SEO can be strongly felt nowadays as we see the brands who are well established in mainstream markets are trying best to get exposure on search engines. Though they stepped in very late in this business (they realised its importance very late), they have managed to secure decent space. Their entry has only complicated the search engine race and made it more cutthroat. Anyways small entrepreneurs are always on positive side as SEO still is affordable.

In-house optimization is an option for the companies but outsourcing it will be good idea. Indian SEO companies are doing good and providing quality services at very less price. In addition, you will have no burden of taking care of staff and their liabilities. Thus, when you think of smart business, do think about SEO.

by: Corey Joels

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