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subject: Quixtar IBO's – Do You Need Cash Now? [print this page]

The crunch of the economy is being felt everywhere and everyone is looking for ways to save money and earn a living. Well, if that's the case, then why is it such a struggle to find customers and business partners? After all, can't everyone benefit from Quixtar products, services and business opportunity?

Maybe you're looking in the wrong place.

Have you exhausted your warm market? Have you talked with every friend, family member, co-worker, associate and person in the grocery line? What if there was a never ending source of qualified leads right at your finger tips, literally?

The fact is that there are thousands, even millions, of people searching online every day all over the world for the products, services and business opportunity you have to offer with Quixtar. Finding them is very simple IF you have the knowhow.

But who are they anyway, these people looking to experience the benefits of your products and business opportunity? How old are they? Are they male or female? Where do they live? How much money do they make? Do they shop online regularly?

That is a great place to start and is called profiling your prospect and defining your target market. Once you have a good handle on that, you can leverage technology to reach out to them. You can literally position yourself in pathway of their consumption and they will come to you.

For the IBO that wants to seize the opportunity to leverage technology can grow a colossal business, even in trying times such as these, using the internet, the telephone and the written word are invaluable skills to have to succeed today and in the future.

Quixtar IBO's Do You Need Cash Now?

By: Christina Gilman

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