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subject: Useful Ideas To Begin An Online Business [print this page]

If you want to start on a business venture over the internet, there are things you need to do first. You need to know the basics of setting up an online business. And you need to know what your customers want and what you can give to them.

There are two things you need to acquire first upon starting your online business venture. One is a domain name and the other is owning your domain name. Purchasing a domain is very easy. It only costs a few dollars but naming your domain poses the hardest part. This is because some domain names have been claimed and are already running. This means you have to get a more complicated domain name.

To learn more about domain and domain names, here are few tips to get your started.

1. Always choose a name that is easy to remember. No one wants to memorize something long or very complex. Make sure you make your domain name easy to remember.

2. Always end your domain with .com. This allows you to have millions of chances to gain customers and people easily get access to your website. Most domains have .com but you can also buy other extensions if you want. But, they might cost you more.

3. Choose the normal spelling for words. For example, if your choice of name has a lot of s in it. Do not change the letter s for the letter z. This confuses a lot of your customers costing them so much time in simply finding your website. It is much better that you set up your domain name as normal as possible.

4. Do not base your domain name on numbers. They tend to confuse users and are not easy to memorize. Make sure you use full words and not numbers if you want your customers to remember your domain name.

5. Keep your domain name as short as possible. The last thing you want your customers want is a long line of words typed into their address bars. This will easily put off customers or even some people who just want to try out your website.

6. Lastly, do not add hyphens or any forms of special characters to your domain name. The reason behind this is the same as adding numbers and changing spellings to your domain name.

by: Shane Grant

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