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subject: When You Need Quick Cash In A Hurry [print this page]

If youre after some quick cash there are a number of ways to get your hands on some pounds before seeking a loan from your bank or relatives.

If you have the space and enjoy the company of people, why not rent out a room in your house. This does not have to be permanent and long term, you can let out a room on a short term basis to help out with mortgage payments and bills. Make sure though that you draw up some standard tenancy terms and conditions so that you protect yourself and your home.

Talk to your employer about the possibility of working overtime or picking up some extra shifts. As long as you do not over work yourself, this is a good way to earn a bit of extra cash and also may help with your career.

Car boot sales run all over the country and you would be surprised what people sell and buy from these events. Rummage through your wardrobes and pull out clothes and varies items of clutter that you do not use or have a need for any longer and consider selling them at a local car boot sale. After all as they say one persons trash is another persons treasure. If you dont have a car or you would rather not sell your items face to face, ebay is an excellent online site for getting rid of used clutter. Buyers and sellers on ebay are rated so you can make sure you are selling your items to a trustworthy source who will pay for the items before you send them.

Do your homework. Take some time to make sure that you are getting the best deal you can on your outgoings such as your gas and electricity provider, phone and internet provider, car insurance and health insurance, just a few examples. There are various price comparison sites available which make it easy to find the best deal and save you money.

Sell your services. Join a local community where you can offer babysitting to families or even help tutor students if you are multi-lingual for example.

by: Anna Jones

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