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How To Find The Right Personal Trainer

This article will spell out for your the most important questions and points needed to guarantee that you will find the best/most qualified personal trainer available to you.

The first and most important question a personal trainer should ask you is "What are your goals?" or "What are you trying to accomplish"?

You are employing him or her to teach you the proper techniques needed to utilize the equipment effectively and safely, yet providing you the results that YOU desire. You want a personal trainer who will listen to you and be sensitive to your limitations at your present fitness level.

He or she needs to assess your level of endurance, strength, and coordination to actually provide you an exercise program designed specifically for you. A perfect way of doing this is by describing past workouts, prior activities, former experiences with personal trainers, and daily activities.
How To Find The Right Personal Trainer

The chemistry between trainer and client is very important. You are entrusting your body to a stranger, be sure you are on the same page when it comes to fitness goals. Your physical well-being is at stake.

All goals are discussed and agreed upon before action is to begin. A trainer should know the fine line between pushing the client and when to ask for input. Asking if the weight being used is too heavy or are you getting enough out of the exercise is paramount. This is extremely important since you deserve to get the most efficient and safest workout possible in the time you spend with the trainer. There needs to be a high level of communication between client and trainer during training sessions to promote safety and professionalism.

He or she needs to know if a certain motion irritates a body part or joint. This will allow you to feel comfortable with the trainer and permit you to have a positive outlook on your workout.

The second, and equally important, question you need to discuss is that of physical limitations. This is what you can and can not do to permit a safe and productive exercise program. Physical limitations can be anything that prohibits any kind of activity. Limitations may include cardiovascular risk factors such as: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, a sedentary lifestyle, tobacco use or a family history of heart disease. Others may include joint, ligament, or tendon weaknesses. These involve knee pain, lower back pain, or range of motion limitations in your shoulder. You should advise the trainer of all these items or problems.

You should also see a physician before starting an exercise program if any question remains with any kind of physical restrictions. The potential personal trainer should take into consideration all your limitations with each and every exercise that is presented to you. This will prevent any new injuries from developing and stop old injuries from reoccurring.

With all this physical history about yourself, the trainer can design a workout regiment for you. He or she should also tailor your workout to your goals, your time frame, your fitness level, and give you a realistic perspective on what to expect. You have every right to expect this kind of service since you are paying money to look and feel the way you want.

You should also ask as many questions as needed to allow yourself to feel comfortable and put to rest any concerns you may have prior to commencing your workouts.

Inquiring about liability insurance is another criteria needed to use in selecting a personal trainer. All personal trainers need professional liability insurance to protect themselves in case of unforeseen accidents. It's the law. Professionals should not be offended by such questions, which are a necessary formality. Just like an uninsured motorist, an uninsured trainer is not ready for the unexpected and occasional accident. A free weight dumbbell, which is handed to the client from the trainer, may fall and hit and break a toe. This could end up costing thousands of dollars after all medical bills are paid.

Does your prospective trainer know cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Also known as CPR. All certified trainers must pass this before they can teach someone fitness. They must be prepared to perform CPR at any time. Make sure that there is an emergency plan in place. This planning can mean the difference between minor injury and tragedy. This is a very important criterion you need to check and feel comfortable with when choosing a personal trainer.

In conjunction with your new trainer, you can now set realistic goals. You will also set a realistic time period for when you want to see results. Ask your trainer for the most efficient and safest way to achieve your goals. Frequency, duration, and methods of training will be discussed at this time. For example, to get rid of those love handles: the most effective way to do this is to increase the level and intensity of your cardiovascular workouts. A time span of two to three months is ideal, since it is long enough to get your body exposed to a new workout and produce results.

As a client of your trainer, you should always demand professionalism. Your trainer should always dress appropriately, be on time, speak to you respectfully and courteously, and encourage you constantly while supervising you during your workout. A trainer who wears skin tight clothes or yells at you during agreed upon sessions is probably more interested in his outward appearance and showing off to others surrounding him than helping you attain the look and health you desire.

After your new workout is custom designed and goals are agreed upon. It is time to set a time frame to achieve your goals. This will provide urgency to start working out and sticking to it. Above all, do not gauge your results by the number on the scale. A better measure of goal attainment is how you look and feel in your clothes in targeted areas. With your specific goals in mind, and the properly chosen trainer, you then can start an effective training regiment.

by: Dane Fletcher
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.

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