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subject: Credit Card Payments Online- Information For Small Business Owners [print this page]

If you wish to sell products online then you may do so by way of using a second tier provider such as PayPal. However the more options you can offer your customers the more likely you will be to make more sales. This means that you need to be able to accept credit card payments online at your website.

If you are not that familiar with a merchant account then it helps to know that a personal account and a merchant account are both types of bank accounts but they are not the same thing. Personal accounts are for individuals while merchant accounts are for businesses.

Accepting credit card payments online is also a time saver for both yourself as well as the customer. Most credit card processors for merchant accounts work in real time which means that the transaction will go through immediately and there will be no time delay whatsoever.

It is also a safe and proven method for online payment. There have been many research studies that have shown that paying for purchases online is safe and every bit as secure as using one's credit card at stores in the offline world.

The ease of use is one of the things that are a draw for customers. Over time small businesses are likely to increase their sales tremendously if they make credit card transactions at their sites a very real option for their customers.

How often do you find yourself purchasing something on an impulse when you are out at the local mall? It has been proven that impulse purchases are as common over the Internet as they are in the real world. In fact, sometimes they are more so because the customer can sit at home in their favorite chair and search the Internet for interesting finds! If as a website owner you offer credit card processing then you are likely to be pleased to see your sales start to improve in a big way!

Wanting to be one step ahead of the competition is important when you run a small business. Making the all-important decision to add the option of credit card payments to your online presence is an excellent way to do just that. If you check out your competitors' sites there may be some that do not yet offer credit card processing. That means that your progressive ways can allow you to get a leg up on the competitors that are lagging behind!

When you add online credit card services to your website then orders for goods or services can be placed every day of the week, of the month and of the year. They can also be placed any time of the day or night. If your business never closes then you have the opportunity to makes sales to those who live in different time zones. It ends up being a win-win situation for everyone concerned.

by: James A Jackson

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