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subject: How to make money buying and selling domain names [print this page]

When it comes to buying and selling domain names there are a few things you need to know. The first thing you need to know is where to buy domain names. I like to use GoDaddy for most of my domains, but other than that I will search webmaster forums and see what domains people are selling and see if I can think of a great use for them. Finding domains that are good is going to be tough because the best selling domains are those that are short, mean something, remember able, and either have the .com, .net. or .org extensions.

Once you find that domain name you think will bring in some money start listing it on webmaster forums, craigslist, ebay, and flippa. The reason you want to list the domain name on many different sites is so that more people will see it and the greater chance you will get the domain sold quickly. When it comes to domain names they are just like real estate, you don't want to have your money and time tied up in one domain name for a long time. One of the things I would highly suggest doing is buy a website and list all the domain names with the prices for each one on it. Doing this will really save you time since you won't have to list all your domains, just list the website and a few bigger domain names.

Now that you know where to go to find domain names to buy and sell you need to get some money together to start your collection of domains. I would suggest starting with at least 10 different domain names that way you don't waste your time only promoting one single name. Be sure to check out this link of you want more ideas to make money with your domain names.

How to make money buying and selling domain names

By: adam

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