subject: Focus Your Home Business Like A Laser To Explode Your Income! [print this page] A common mistake for almost all new work at home / home business beginners is the trap of trying to be all things to all people. They will take any job, even if it not what they set out to do, simply because the job pays money.
It's tough to focus, we know!
We know how tough it is to stick to just one thing in your new home business because here at we "eat our own dog food". Everyone works from home and knows the successes and difficulties you face and one of the things we have learned for ourselves is that you must focus on just *one* thing to be successful.
In the modern world, specialization is the key to success. If you were chosing a brain surgeon to operate on you I am sure you'd prefer one that only does brain surgery and nothing else! The same applies to your business.
If you do just one thing.
For example, if you are offering a lawn care service then specialize in that. It's all too easy to offer tree trimming, fences, design and many other landscaping services as well. If you're going to offer general landscaping and maintenance then do that. If you're going to do "lawn care" then learn all about grasses and how to manage and care for lawns the best ways possible. Now when you offer lawn care you can target upscale markets and be an expert on creating and managing perfect green lawns, with fees to match.
Narrow your focus to make more money!
You may be surprised to learn that making your focus more narrow actually gets you more customers. By offering one targeted product or service you can charge higher fees and you attract the customers that are willing to pay for your expertise. This applies to the online world as well as the real world. I'm sure you've seen hundreds of those "mini-sites", just one long sales page and nothing else. That's an extreme example of focus - not even a site, just one page, one product, it sells or it doesn't.
You can learn a thing or two from those pages for your real world business and create a laser like focus on the one thing you excel at, only targetting the customers that crave your product or service so you can increase your home business income.
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