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subject: Is Jusuru A Legitimate Way To Make Money? [print this page]

Lately Jusuru has really been getting a lot of attention, and for that reason I am going to write this review of the company so that you can get a better idea of the pros and cons. If you are already in Jusuru then this review will let you in on what it will take to make money.

Either way, this is going to be very beneficial for you to take a look at. So lets take a look at this from a business prospective shall we? Btw I am not a part of the Jusuru company so this will be from a fresh perspective.

Is The Jusuru Product Right?

Even thought there are a ton of juice products in the MLM world, I have to say that I think that the market is large enough for all of them. You have to think about who this product is going to appeal to.

The baby boomer generation is just starting to experience old age. This product is directly marketed as an anti aging agent. Plus, the baby boomers are really concerned with looking young and living longer.

I will admit that there are a lot of other super juices on the market, but it is important to remember how big the marketplace really is for health and wellness. Just as a side note, if you are looking to join this you will have to be able to distinguish this product from every other juice opportunity out there.

Ok, so the product seems to really help people and provide a lot of value when it comes to overall health. Now lets look at some other factors.

The Leadership

Jusuru says that it is a values-driven company, and they also say that about their leadership. Without being too specific they say that they selected their leadership team based on integrity and passion for the business.

They don't make mention to how much actual MLM experience the company has, but instead just say that their passion is contagious. This would have me a little worried, but the fact is they are doing pretty well so far.

How Do You Get Paid?

There are actually 9 different ways to get paid in Jusuru.


1. Direct Sales

2.Preferred Customer bonus

3.Fast Start Bonus

4.Team Commissions

5. Enroller Bonus

6. Trubo Infinity Bonus

7. Leader Check Match

8. Leadership Pools

9. Car Bonus

So there are a lot of different ways that you could actually earn money in Jusuru, but I think that it is important to remember that this is an MLM business.

To make the real money in any MLM opportunity you have to build a good sized organization. You have to learn how to recruit and then you have to learn how to duplicate.

In Jusuru, as well as any other MLM business, you have to leverage the efforts of other people in your organization. In other words, it is more important for you to focus on duplication rather than direct sales of the product.

You only make good money when you have a lot of people that are all contributing a little.

So How Do You Build A Large Organization?

Well, like I said above, you will have to learn to recruit and then duplicate. To really get good at recruiting you will have to learn how to correctly market your opportunity.

In fact, the most important factor to your success in ANY network marketing company is your ability to market. Once you learn to market you can bring people into any opportunity that you choose.

But if you are the only one that knows how to market and recruit then you won't have any duplication within your team. The answer to this dilemma is to have a system in place that will train you as well as your downline.


I tried to write this review as fair as possible and give you some helpful pointers to actually making some real money in this industry. This company is doing really well and they have some great things to offer people.

The truth is that they are really getting some traction in the MLM arena, and they are showing no signs of letting up. They have some really good things going for them, but it is also important to develop your own marketing abilities.

by: Ryan Martin

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