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subject: Financial Aid for Veterans, Plus Scholarships for Military Dependents [print this page]

If you are a father and you have been active in the military duty service for quite some years and you have a son who wishes to follow your footsteps, then he can benefit from scholarships for military dependents. Nowadays, a wide range of military school practices this to reward in some way those who served their country in military duty services.

Military dependents can get partial or full funded scholarships from the Government and the Military. Children of military personnel such as military personnel in active duty, retired, veterans or deceased can qualify for any scholarship in the military scholarship programs. Military dependents must check to see if they meet the eligibility criteria and if they are suited for this type of program.

Scholarships may vary from $500 to $5,000 or more, depending on the military service the dependent wishes to follow. Military dependents can choose from a variety of military scholarships. The application for Commissary Scholarships usually starts by February. Military dependents can also apply online by March for the Major General James Ursano Scholarship Fund for Dependent Children in the Army.

There are scholarships for dependent children grades six to nine, as well. One of them is the famous Bernard Curtis Brown II Space Camp Scholarship, where children can complete and submit application by April. Other scholarships for military children include Deca, DEA Dependents' Educational Assistance, State Veterans Benefits, Navy and Marine Dependents of deceased service member's scholarship program, Air Force Aid Society General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant program, Montgomery GI Bill programs and the NMFA the Military Spouse Scholarship Program. Those who are war orphans can also benefit from these scholarships for military dependents.

Dependents of deceased, disabled or POW MIA veterans can now follow their father's military carriers.

Financial Aid for Veterans, Plus Scholarships for Military Dependents

By: Nick Batt

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