subject: Review: Singularity [print this page] ecades after World War II is an exciting time, not least because of the intense no knife between the capitalist United States and the communist Soviet Union. Enormous resources were mobilized in the competition between the two great powers and their allies, and we believe the self-appointed historians of American Raven Software, some of them with the top-secret research complex on the remote island Katorga-12. It investigated the Communists on the fabric item 99 - an effective, but unstable source of energy with multiple bruksomrader.Tidlig in the fifties was, however, correct wrong for scientists, as one of their experiments failed and the island was removed from the world map. Fifty years later, Americans decide to clarify what was happening on the island during the Cold War, and sends a team of special forces east of the fishing information. It is of course now Hell breaks loose, and after a dramatic plane crash you are the only survivors will have to explore the island and reveal its macabre secret on their own.
With time as a weapon
You should have said that you do not resolve these secrets by playing detective. No, the Singularity will take you far with a combination of automatic weapons and a so-called time-manipulator. This special tool attached to the left hand, and pointed out objects and creatures you want to send back or forward in time. Since tidsmanipulatoren is one of the secret projects developed by Communist scholars, it is not in your possession as you arrive in the island, but quickly becomes a necessary part of growing your arsenal.
With the time as a weapon, you have a bit of an advantage when you go into battle against monsters and soldiers on Katorga-12, but certain limitations must still relate to. The largest of these is that you can only use tidsmanipulatoren on selected objects. Example, you can send the padlocks in the future so they rust to pieces, repairing broken machinery, send it back in time, or get yourself breathing space by freezing time when the enemy attack.
Other fun ways to use tidsmanipulatoren is to make the Russian soldiers into angry mutants that eat their former comrades, or outdated enemy barricades so krapylene forced out on the battlefield. Tidsmanipulatoren and its many applications gives us a welcome opportunity to experiment with different techniques, and in this way is fighting in Singularity healthy for those who do hour after hour with the same weapons and attack methods become too monotonous.
There is no doubt that Raven could - and should - given the time manipulation a much larger and more important role, as overall Singularity is a fairly linear experience. The games give you certainly more freedom than most comparable publications, but when it comes to slaughter of soldiers and monsters, decreases the number of steps considerably. Simple physics-based puzzles can rarely be solved in more than one specific way, and the dark corridors of the developers seem to be happy in, giving little room for exploration of the mysterious island.
Known stroke
Time manipulation aside, the Singularity an arch-typical shooter in first person perspective. Many of the key elements are borrowed directly from the big games like Half-Life 2 and BioShock, the thrilling action driven largely ahead of sound recordings you come across steadily and often, and many problems solved by using a feature that the incomprehensible way converting tidsmanipulatoren to a gravity gun. Warning scribblings on the walls and the constant pursuit of energy Element 99 will also awaken memories of your audience.
Other tricks that have been borrowed to keep us glued to the screen, the weapons can be upgraded, and ghostly figures that appear to show you what has been going on Katorga-12 in the years prior to your arrival. Along with the exaggerated propaganda films from the fifties, these relics of the past with putting a sinister atmosphere that reminds strongly about it we find in BioShock, but thanks to a completely different setting, however, manages to stand on its own legs.
The large amount of borrowed ideas makes undeniably Singularity to a small original affair, but the same can be said for most titles released today. To criticize the game to take advantage of what has proven to be excellent in the second game is at least wrong, especially when the end result is one of the most exciting and feel rich shooters released so far this year. That action might confuse more than it explains may be forgiven, as it and its many disputes and time-flop provides an intense gameplay that regularly introduce exciting and fresh weapons technology.
Dark and gloomy
On the stylistic front are the designers behind the Singularity little to offer in terms of surprises and innovation. The surroundings are faded and dilapidated, but even if this fits well with the action, I would like to see a little more imagination and use of color. You will after all find sequences where you jump back to the period when the laboratories at Katorga-12 was in full operation, but even when this happens, the graphical style remains virtually unchanged. If you already have enough of broken concrete and twisted metal in the second shooter, the Singularity, in other words no much needed refresher.
It is mainly panic, death and destruction is on the agenda, and you have everything to gain by spreading more of just that among the enemies. As already mentioned tidsmanipulatoren give you many exciting opportunities murder, but if you prefer classic weapons like shotgun and machine gun, this is not a game punishes you for. In the familiar style Raven made possible the total mutilation of the limbs and body parts, the little sadist in you are guaranteed to appreciate.
There is something special and wonderful informal around it to run around in the corridors and storage areas while the body parts flying around you as you respond to enemy fire by a combination of balls and time manipulative attacks. Even on the hardest difficulty can withstand multiple shots before going into the ground, making thoughtless storming an effective tactic if there is bloodshed you're looking for.
Monsters of the soldiers
In addition to the gripping single-player portion, Singularity comes with a sharply limited flerspillerdel consisting of two simple, team-based game modes. Here you choose whether you want to play as monsters or soldiers - both sides have a handful of player classes that allow you to utilize different skills. To practice as mutated spider or syregulpende zombie is really funny, but the joy is limited greatly by the lack of opportunities that today are taken for granted in online shooters.
A couple or three hours of fun there anyway to get in fights where you and your allies are fighting to whack as many opponents as possible, or make an effort to keep certain areas of the longest possible time. But when all is said and all is not multi-player extensive enough to build up a big fanbase, but works fine as a break from the superior single-player portion.
With its strong story-driven enspillerdel, the Singularity a good - if sometimes confusing - shooter. The efficient combination of traditional weapons and time manipulative attack makes fighting against monsters and communists particularly entertaining, as you always have the freedom to deal with gunfights in the way you want. Raven has not been willing to move away from the genre norms, which is a shame, as more imaginative use of tidsmanipulatoren Singularity could have done a much more unique experience. Despite a lot of untapped potential, is the Singularity due to its action-packed gameplay, chilling atmosphere and sharp graphics definitely worth getting with him.
by: kaia
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