subject: Personal Concierge [print this page] So you're thinking of starting your own Personal Concierge business. Or maybe you've already done so! Well, I'm going to tell you something that is the most important first step in starting any business. To set yourself up for success, you must first know your values. So if you're just starting out I encourage you to sit down and do this simple exercise that will help get you moving in the right direction. Or if you are already in business, but maybe you skipped this first step, it's never too late to go back and assess where you stand and how you can tweak your business to better suit you and the life you ultimately want to live.
Exercise: What Are Your Values? Start by taking a piece of paper and writing down all of your values. What do you value? Maybe you value joy, freedom, flexibility, open communication, honesty, family, prosperity, etc. You may fill up an entire sheet of paper, or maybe even two or three! That's ok. The most important thing to do is brainstorm everything you value and write down all the the things that you hold to be of high importance to you in life.
Now what I want you to do, is take whatever time you need to narrow this list down to your top 5 values,no more, no less. It may take a little while to whittle down your list, but what you will find is that when you are forced to decide what is of the greatest importance to you in life, you will really have to think about who you are and what type of life you wish to lead. When you are left with your top 5 values listed on a simple sheet of paper, it may surprise you what you see. Or maybe it would be exactly what you expected. Either way, it is important to know where you stand.
So now you're thinking, how is this going to help me build my Personal Concierge business, right? I'll tell you. Every time you are faced with a challenge (and as an entrepreneur this will be frequently) or any time you need to make a decision and are unsure of the answer, I encourage you to recall your top 5 values. The direction your business takes should be based on the aggregate of smaller decisions made in alignment with your values.
Jessica is a PA Coach and entrepreneurial Personal Assistant with 6+ years of experience in the industry. She shares her knowledge and insights with PAs, VAs, Concierge Service Providers and Lifestyle Managers to help make their journey as entrepreneurs as easy and enjoyable as possible.
Personal Concierge
By: mohanchen
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