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subject: Captivate Your Prospects With Compelling Business Calendars [print this page]

Calendars are considered as one of the best marketing tool that you can utilize in your business. With a unique and compelling calendar, you can attain limitless options to aid you in marketing your business effectively in the market. But what makes these calendars very effective as a promotional tool? For one, calendars are used all the time. Even in todays modern world, people still want a calendar in their wall where they can write their appointments and take a peek for the exact date. And since calendars are used the whole year, you can be sure to get a year round exposure that will give you good income even after the initial investment.

How can your business use these calendars as one of its marketing tools? One of the most popular ways is to create and produce a calendar which you can give away to your clients and customers in the market. With the wide arrays of calendar design that you can choose from, you will have no problem in finding a way to get your message delivered to your customers. Below are some popular design ideas that you can use for your calendars.

Business card calendar. Business cards are very crucial since they provide your customers with your business name and contact information. But, how will you combine your business card with a calendar? The answer is by printing your calendar at the back side of your business card. You will more likely want to just print a couple of months on it because of the space constraint. This will help you highlight all the crucial dates and give your clients and customers a handy calendar where they can refer to important dates. But keep in mind that it is a must to regularly update your business card in case you change address or contact information. Likewise, you would need to give out new business cards each year as the calendar needs to be replaced.

Poster calendar. Aside from the business card calendar, poster calendar is also another way for you to combine calendar with poster printing. This kind of calendar usually involves printing the entire year on an oversized page. This will allow your clients and customers to see all the dates in advance without flipping through pages. It is a must to include an image or graphic in it as well your business logo and contact information. Make sure everything is printer clearly and visibly.

Desk calendar. Even in todays modern world, people still prefer a desk calendar in their table or desk. These desk calendars give customers a space where to write down dates, notes and other crucial information even if they are on the phone and computer. The calendar printing design for a desk calendar is very simple since no images or graphics are needed.

If you are on a tight budget and looking for a year round marketing tool, then calendars are surely your best option. Just be sure to think about the design carefully. Remember that people will look at your calendar the whole year. So, obviously you want them to feel refreshed and captivated every time they look at your vibrant and enticing calendar. This would greatly increase brand recognition and encourage people to contact you the soonest time possible.

by: John Ray Daniels

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