subject: Industries That Use Faxing as an Integral Part of Everyday Business [print this page] While some people may believe that faxing is no longer commonly used, there are many industries that rely heavily on faxing in their day-to-day operations. Even with email and the Internet, there is often still the need to send documents via fax. For businesses that use faxing on a daily basis, it makes sense to look at the most efficient ways to fax information. Online faxing provides an efficient and affordable faxing option compared to manual faxing. Let's look at a few industries that still use faxing as an important part of their daily operations.
Real Estate Agencies
Anyone who has ever bought or sold a home, or even rented one, knows how much paperwork is involved. Signatures are always required on documents and one of the most convenient ways to send the information to customers is to fax the forms through to them. There is also information that needs to be sent to lawyers and conveyances. A fax is an efficient way to circulate the required information. Online faxing that sends the faxes directly to a person's email address means that the information can be accessed wherever they are. This means that if real estate agents are out on the road showing houses to customers, they can still receive information by fax if they can access their email on their laptop.
Doctors and Pharmacies
Handwritten scripts are still widely used in the medical profession. When you need prescription medication, the pharmacies can only supply you with it if you have a doctor's prescription. Perhaps after going out to see the doctor, you don't have the energy to make a stop at the pharmacy. Perhaps you are fortunate enough to have a pharmacy near you that does deliveries, allowing you to go home and rest. You can then simply fax the prescription through to the pharmacy and they can deliver it to you at home. If the pharmacy needs to verify any details, they can contact the doctor's office directly.
Insurance Companies
The insurance industry is another industry that relies on faxing in their day-to-day operations. Personal details often need to be completed on forms by customers. Usually signatures are required on the forms. This means that once completed, one of the most convenient ways to send the information is to fax it. Most people are familiar with faxing and comfortable sending information in this way. Insurance companies can then capture the information into their systems.
Corporate Debtors Departments
Often when debtors departments have to chase payments, they need to provide customers with copies of invoices and statements. In most cases, the original will have been sent to the customers. Perhaps it has gotten lost in the mail or the customer has filed away or misplaced the information. Faxing allows the debtors department to send a duplicate copy of the invoice without having to reprint the original invoice. The debtors department will then have a record of the fax copy that was sent and when it was sent. This makes the process of following up on late and non-payments much easier. Customers can no longer claim to not have received the invoice and the original document is retained in the office so accurate records can be kept. Often when customers do make payments, they are asked to fax through proof of payment to the debtors department Once again, faxing allows both parties to retain a copy of the document that was sent. The customer has proof that the account was settled and the debtors department has an easier job when reconciling payments to the relevant accounts.
Salespeople on the Move
Traditionally, salespeople who spent their days out on the road would have an administrator based in the office who would handle the paperwork and other administration. But sometimes it would be necessary for salespeople to be able to send and receive faxes while they were away from the office. Thanks to online faxing where users can receive information anywhere that they have an internet connection, salespeople are now making more use of online faxing facilities. If daily tasks include sending off reports to superiors or forms to customers, salespeople can do those tasks while waiting for appointments or when they have completed their meetings. The online fax system integrates easily with existing email software which means that as long as the salesperson has a laptop, he or she can make use of online faxing.
Industries That Use Faxing as an Integral Part of Everyday Business
By: Chris Haycox
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