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Bike Insurance

Are you planning to buy a bike? If you do not know what kind of bike you want before buying one, you might want to look into the different types of bike insurance that exists in the market. Different companies provide different insurance rates, and different types of cover. The insurance can also vary on the type of bike you have.

Some companies have different bike categories, for example, classic bikes, and modified bikes, and the list goes on. Therefore, depending on the category of your bike, your bike insurance will vary accordingly. Similarly, some insurers specialise in classic bike insurances while others specialise in varying types of bike cover. Therefore, you would want to shop around a little before buying your bike and deciding on an insurance company.

Various websites offer you the service of comparing bike insurance offered by twelve to thirty different companies. There, you can also find reviews about the best bike insurers.

Other types of cover that some companies may offer you are a twenty-four hour accident line. This is a free service allowing you to call and claim anytime so that you may get help in case you are involved in an accidenta. Some companies may also give you the option to pay your insurance right at the time of claim. This instigates you to pay your bike insurance monthly. By availing this service, you may also get a one year no claims bonus after a period of just eight months.

You can also get an extensive United Kingdom and European accident and breakdown recovery service, as well as a ninety-day European travel cover. Apart from these additional cover options, you get the basic covers that each insurer should provide, such as, third party theft and fire cover.

If you own a modified bike, do not worry. There are certain insurance companies that have bike insurance suitable for your specific bike. All you have to do is get online, and get a free quote from some of the companies that are willing to provide you cover for your modified bike. Getting insurance from certain online companies may also allow you to get good deals on other things for your bike such as, bike apparel, tyres, short breaks and many more with some of the top biking brands.

If you own a car as well as a bike, then do not worry about having to find different insurance companies for both. You can easily insure both with the same company under w the six-wheel scheme. Insurance companies also know that bike gear such as helmets can be very expensive, and so some of them offer covers for your gear as well.

Therefore, if you have a moped, a scooter, or any other kind of bike getting bike insurance is not hard. Many companies out there will be more than happy to provide you with a good cover. All you have to do is get online, and find the one you think is right for you.

by: Christopher Reinhold

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