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subject: Postcards: Versatile Marketing Materials For Your Business [print this page]

Printed postcards are one of the most powerful tools you can use for your business. Their versatility makes them unlike other printed materials because they have such a wide variety of uses. With many different sizes to choose from, you are sure to find a postcard that will satisfy any need your company has. Here you will find a few ways you can use printed postcards to accomplish a task as well as positively promote your company.

Thank You Notes There are always occasions that arise where a thank you note is needed. A quick and easy way to send a nice note of thanks to somebody is with a printed postcard. They are a cheaper alternative to greeting cards, which require envelopes, but they convey the same message. The goal is to let your customers know that you appreciate their business, and this can be done with any type of printed material. Postcards are an excellent choice because they are quick and easy to both read and write, a feature that everyone enjoys.

Reminders You can also use your printed postcards to remind your clients of any appointments they may have with you. No matter the type of business, customers appreciate receiving a quick note in the mail to remind them of their scheduled visit. This way, you can avoid having someone on staff that needs to do reminder calls, which are sometimes not very effective. Having a postcard delivered to your clients' doorstep is a surefire way to reach out to them and get your reminder across. Also, the client can then keep your postcard for reference until the time of the appointment. This is also a walking advertisement for your business. During the time the postcard is sitting out before the visit, there is a good chance others are going to notice it and this way you are gaining exposure for your business.

Invitations Using a custom printed postcard as an invitation to an upcoming event at your business is a wonderful way to let people know what is happening at your place of business. Be it a sale or a launch of a new product, your customers will be happy to be kept in the loop as to what is going on with your company. Remember that you can design your postcards any way you like, so feel free to make them colorful and fun, especially if you are advertising a fancy, exciting event.

Announcements Following in the same vein as invitations, announcements are usually qualified as happy occasions. So, feel free to create beautiful custom postcards to reflect the spirit of your announcement, whatever it may be. This is yet another way to get a postcard sent out to your mailing list and keep your customers informed as to what is happening with your business. You may want to announce that a certain staff member just had a baby and will be on maternity leave. Or, maybe you have exciting new changes happening at your company that you want to inform all of your customers about. Whatever the announcement, a beautiful printed postcard will get the job done and spread the word to your clients.

As you can see, there are countless uses for printed postcards, and here we have just named a few. They are truly one of the greatest marketing and advertising tools available because of their manageable size and low cost to produce. Furthermore, a strong design or company logo present on your postcards, they are a walking advertisement for your business, wherever they end up. In this way, postcards are more valuable than letterhead and envelopes, as these items are usually reserved for conducting more private matters. Postcards can be left out in the open for all to see. And if you have a great design or logo displayed, people are all the more inclined to save your postcard and show it off! So get creative and design your custom postcards with Simpleprint today!

Postcards: Versatile Marketing Materials For Your Business

By: Kathleen

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