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subject: Using A Letting Agent To Get Your Possessions Insured [print this page]

Many people do not know that the letting agency that they select to help them find a property to rent will be able to help them to arrange insurance for their possessions as well. A good letting agency will of course be able to provide you with a comprehensive range of services when it comes to finding and renting a property. They will obviously be able to help prospective tenants with the actual letting process, such as taking detailed notes of their requirements, matching these requirements with their list of available properties, and dealing with all the necessary documentation and liaison with the landlord once they have decided to go ahead.

If tenants were to ask their letting agency, many agencies would also be able to help them with associated issues such as the removals process, storage of their non-everyday possessions, and contents insurance. They do this by introducing their renting clients to specialist firms that they have a long term relationship with. These will usually be local firms with a good reputation that do a good job for their clients, and will often have been associated with the letting agency for many years. This is all part of providing a professional and comprehensive service, and most good letting agencies will pride themselves on their business contacts.

This kind of networking referral arrangement is in everyone's interest. The letting agency looks good as a source of contacts, the insurance company benefits by getting a referral, and of course the tenant benefits by being introduced to a good, trusted insurer, and not some cowboy company that will just take their money and let them down. The insurance company will usually be referring their clients to the letting agency as well, particularly if they see a flow of referrals coming to them from the agency.

Many people will rent a property through a letting agency but not bother with insurance for their home contents at all. They may feel that insurance is not necessary. After all, they have paid the rent, paid a removal company, and possibly a storage company too. They may not feel that they can afford insurance. But it is important to remember that your home contents may become damaged by an accidental flood for example. There are many unforeseen things that can happen in life, and insurance helps people to prepare themselves for these, should they happen.

So if you contact your letting agency, they will usually be able to help you arrange insurance through one of their associate companies. Indeed, you may be able to find this information by searching their website or looking on their links or resources page. Many people do not know that they can arrange insurance for their home contents through their letting agency, so hopefully this article has helped those people find out more about this and some of the other extra services that they could get from their letting agency.

by: James JR Robinson

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