subject: How To Make Money Online - Make Use Of The Google Wonder Wheel [print this page] In your journey to making money online, among other things that you need to do is to find a niche market. To find a right niche, what you can do is to do a keyword search - to see which keyword is most searched for, and hence may be a potential niche market to target. This is where the Google Wonder Wheel comes into play.
The Google Wonder Wheel is a wheel-shaped like tool which simplifies and arranges search results based on their relevancy. It suggests search terms which are related to a specific searched term. The user will get relevant search terms which might be the ones he/she originally wanted to search for.
While you could focus on a main keyword which generates a lot of hits from the search engine, there may be other additional keywords where you could get more traffic and convert them to money. This is when you can use the Google Wonder Wheel to determine these additional keywords. Google Wonder Wheel could tell you what you have missed out or what you need to search for. This will certainly save you time. You will also discover what is hot and related to your niche by using this tool.
Most importantly, the Google Wonder Wheel is absolutely free! You could make money online by creating a product or service for your online business based on the research conducted by using this tool for absolutely no charges!
As conclusion, the Google Wonder Wheel is another great free tool which aids the users to make money online. It makes searching for keywords more enjoyable and time effective. So, try it out.
by: Wisey Lim
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