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subject: Businesses Speak A Universal Language With The Help Of International Couriers [print this page]

There is often deep debate over which language is the international language of business. There are arguments for suggested either English or French fit the bill. In the 19th century, French was widely recognised as the language of aristocrats and diplomats, and as relatively recently as the outbreak of the Second World War, leading author Somerset Maugham said the Gallic tongue was the one favoured by educated men.

The war, however, was the turning point for French as an international language. In the ensuing years, it has been English which has assumed the mantle. It is the official language used by air traffic controllers worldwide, which effectively makes it obligatory for worldwide travel.

The advent of computers has cemented Englishs position as a default language. With so many computer programmes written using it, and computers operating on basic instructions in the language, there is a strong case for claiming it to be so.

Staunch nationalists in countries such as France and Germany are fighting against the wider use of Anglicisms in their language. The French even have their own government-funded language police, and the country spends large sums to employ French teachers in more than 150 countries around the world.

But if there is an international language, there is nowhere where it is more useful than in the courier services and parcel delivery sector. A parcel can undertake a journey from one side of the globe to the other, and pass through the hands of any number of people, each of whom may speak a different native tongue. Yet the people at either end of the chain, despite their different cultures and time zones, will be able to understand each other perfectly.

Trade is now truly global, much of it facilitated by the arrival of top-quality courier services, which daily deliver parcels from one side of the world to the other without a second thought. And while different couriers will collect a parcel and deliver it to its final destination, the chances are that the vast majority of them says the words Parcel for... when they go about their business.

But when whats in a parcel is far more important than any words which accompany it, those words and the language in which they are spoken are a secondary consideration. Courier companies, after all, carry far more than words. Their business is all about getting things done, rather than worrying about how they are said. And the punctual arrival of an urgent parcel delivery says more about a person or a business than simple words its a physical demonstration that they care, and are good at what they do.

by: Jamie Francis

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