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subject: Peachtree Quantum Is A Great Mid-level Accounting Program For Small To Medium Businesses [print this page]

If you are looking into accounting programs that will meet your small to medium business needs you will soon find that there are many different programs to choose from, each with their own particular strengths.

Choosing an accounting software package, and finding the right program for your business, is an important decision as you will need to find something that is going to meet your current and future needs. It is very difficult and time consuming to switch accounting programs once your business is up and running and your inventory has been entered, making it even more essential that you choose the right program initially.

Some of the key points to consider when evaluating different programs include how many people will be using the program, what type of built-in auditing and security it will need to have, if you will be logging inventory items, whether you need to automate your online banking process and whether you will need to customize your own receipts, invoices, purchase order and other reports.

You will find that many of the more sophisticated programs that include all of these features, and more, also are very expensive to purchase--particularly if you need to buy licenses for several workstations. There are some very good mid-range programs available, however, that are fairly inexpensive and yet provide you with key features to help you manage your business in its entirety. Many of these mid-range programs are also highly customizable; another essential feature an accounting program should have. One program that shows quite a lot of promise is Peachtree Quantum . It has been around for quite a few years with each upgrade adding useful features; till today Peachtree Quantum is a well-rounded and very versatile accounting program.

When comparing it with other popular accounting programs, Peachtree Quantum meets most, if not all, of the requirements that most small to medium businesses need including double-entry accounting, great auditing features, a cash flow manager, superior inventory management and employee payroll features.

by: Darcy Grubaugh

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