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subject: There's No Business Like Snow Business [print this page]

Every year you play "weatherman" and when the snow hits you're stuck. When you've got a foot of snow on your property it's too late to call. You can try but you might as well grab a shovel.

Lots of businesses are hit with unpredictable winter storms that pile a load of risk on your property in the way of snow and ice. Obtaining reliable snow removal services that include snow plowing and snow removal are vital to keep the business operable in the worst winter months of the year.

Expert snow plowing and removal gives companies dependable snow removal. Business owners should want to protect themselves and their employees from a dangerous situation in the winter months. Snow plowing, snow blowing and sanding can offer that peace of mind for businesses, personnel and clients and provide a safe entry and exit. Slipping and falling on snow and ice is one of the most common causes of injury in the cold weather months. Further, businesses do not want to lose customers because of snow drifts and icy conditions around their place of business. People, especially older people, will avoid a business if they do not feel safe entering and exiting the property.

Some business owners may feel they, or an employee, armed with a shovel, are an inexpensive way to keep their buildings and storefronts safe. They may show up to shovel the walkway but this is not your home driveway. There is a lot more work pushing the snow off the walks and multiple car spaces. They feel that they are avoiding the expense of hiring a professional snow removal service. Not only is this unreasonable thinking, it can be dangerous for the owner and employee. It is also not very efficient or the best use of their time. An experienced properly outfitted snow removal contractor will arrive on all storm days, using proper equipment, and will quickly clear all areas of snow and ice.

Business owners and property managers should be worried about risk and potential lawsuit issues that could drain dollars directly from the business bottom line. Yes liability insurance may cover basic accidents but you'll still be haggling with the insurance company if a disaster should strike. It's not a situation you want to be in; the business can lose money, time and customers. The lawyers love this stuff.

You may not realise that for most small businesses, the local landscaping company is your resource for snow removal. You don't always find these guys listed under snow removal in the yellow pages but it does make sense. They got idle trucks in the winter months and its a sensible extension to landscaping services.

I suggest that you do not delay the inevitable call. Set up a contract early. When snow falls, leave the snow removal services to professionals. It's smart business.

by: Greg Newell

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