subject: You Must Know How To Do This To Earn Money! [print this page] I must confess, this idea has slowly wrapped itself around my brain, and I should have paid attention much earlier... but if you want to make money on the Internet there's only one single skill that you must have! With it, you can make money easily, without it, you'll work quite hard no matter how you try to earn online.
The skill you must have, of course, is driving traffic. It doesn't matter how you do it, whether it's cost free via Article Writing, Good SEO and developing your backlinks, or whether you simply pay for traffic via PPC or similar. Traffic is the difference between no money, and lots of it!
Imagine that you put up a website selling Gold Coins... you can offer them at 10 cents each, free shipping... and you'd get precisely ZERO sales. Because if no-one knew about your website, and couldn't find out about your offer: you'd make nothing.
On the other hand, there are many people becoming quite wealthy selling ebooks for $27, $47, $67, $97 or more... and they know that out of every 100 people they can drive to their site, they'll convert 2 or 3 of them into a sale. Since many products like this offer an affiliate program, and pay out as much as 50-75% of their profit, just for sending them the traffic - can you see how learning to drive traffic can be profitable?
The quickest way to drive traffic is obviously Pay Per Click... it's also the quickest way to lose everything in your wallet, and next month's rent too! My suggestion? Learn to put up a 'landing page' - which is nothing more than a simple one page website that talks about someone else's product - now write some articles, and keep an eye on how much traffic you're getting, and how many 'conversions' (how many people visiting your site will go ahead and buy your affiliate product - earning you money!)... once you know what your conversion rate is, you'll know whether you can be profitable with PPC or not.
For example, let's imagine that you've created a landing page for a Clickbank product selling for $67, and they offer you 50% of sales... this means that you'll see a little over $30 per sale (Clickbank will skim a little off the top) So if your landing page is making 3 sales for every 100 people that visit your website, your average 'value' per visitor is 90 cents. This means that if you can purchase visitors from Google or Yahoo (or other search engines) for less than 90 cents per click, you'll be making money on the difference. If you could average, as an example, 35 cents per click, and paid out $100 a day for traffic, that amount would bring you 285 visitors, which would convert to 8 or 9 sales, which means a gross of $240-270 per day... minus the cost of traffic - you'd be pulling down a tad over $4,600 every month in profit.
Now of course, very few people would be willing to jump in and pay Google $100 a day - you build up to it - as long as you're profitable, just sink your profits back into more traffic - until you get to the point where you cannot buy any more traffic for those keywords.
But here's the key - you start with free traffic - so you know what your conversion rate is! Without that vital piece of information - you can easily make Google richer, and yourself poorer. And Google doesn't need any more riches!
This is one example of what to do with traffic - but you don't even need to be able to put up a landing page... you can simply purchase a domain name - then 'forward' that domain to the affiliate sales page (with your hoplink!) This will stop you from using Google's Adwords but other search engines aren't as picky, and you can earn money this way. It all begins, however, with the ability to 'drive' traffic ... learn how to influence people on the Internet to visit the site you want them to visit, and you can monitize that ability.
A Common Traffic Mistake!
Every beginner gets caught in this one - you know you need traffic, so you simply buy it. I'm sure you've seen the ads, 10,000 Visitors To Your Website For Just $7.95 or some similar ad. This sort of traffic never converts to sales. I know you won't trust what I say, and I know that everyone reading this will try to buy traffic this way - there's only one real use for this sort of traffic, and that's if you're a BlackHat CPA who needs to cover his tracks with additional junk traffic.
Real visitors who are likely to convert to a sale are those who are looking for what you're offering - at the moment they come to your site. If you run PPC ads, you're not 'buying' traffic, you're buying organic SEO... It's critical to understand the difference.
No-one will sell you traffic that will convert - if the traffic they had was traffic that could convert - why not send it to a landing page of their own and reap ALL the profits??? What you'll end up with is pop-up traffic, PTC (paid to click) or traffic exchange visitors.
I know you don't believe me - gaining a 100,000 visitors for only $25 is too seductive a dream. Go ahead and buy some traffic - but keep a close look on your website stats, and then take the time to learn how to drive organic search traffic, which is the only real traffic you'll ever get.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?
by: Jeff Rogers
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